✨They Show Up Unexpected-Losers Club

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Why- He just missed you :)
-you were home alone and drawing in your room
-you heard a knock on the door and almost you nearly peed yourself because of how loud it was
-you have a peephole in your door and so you looked...ta da, it's him
-you gave him an earful about him scaring you but then you guys cuddled (because why not?)

Why- her Dad was being a big old gross man again
-You comforted her and your parents let her stay as long as she needed to
-You guys listened to music and baked stuff together and just spent as much time as you two could together

Why- He wanted to give you something
-You were chilling in your living room and heard a knock on your door
-you knew it wouldn't be anyone you didn't know, because not many people visit you
-you opened the door and there's ben! Yay!
-surprise, surprise, he bought you flowers and just wanted to give you them and to see you <3

•Why- he accidentally offended Eddie
-he wanted your help to help him figure out a good apology so spaghetti head wouldn't be angry anymore
-he was happy he had an excuse to see you, though :)
-you helped him smooth things over and then you guys (you n rich) went out for food

why- His Mom made him upset
-She was being manipulative again and Eds was NOT having it
-He came to you for comfort and reassurance, which you gladly gave him
-you guys cuddled and you let him vent out his feelings and frustrations

Why- he just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're okay
-He called before he came over so he wouldn't scare you showing up unexpectedly (so I guess it doesn't really count lmao)
-When he got there, he gave you the biggest hug ever and asked how you were doing
-you guys mostly just had long conversations and listened to music until he had to go back home

Why- He didn't have to work on the farm so he decided to spend the day with you :)
-you guys had lots of fun, cuddles, and baked goods lmao

✨IT (2017) Preferences: Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now