✨It's Your Birthday-Losers Club

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-Of course he goes all out! :D
-He snuck out super early (like 5 AM) to go to your house and decorate the living room for you (he asked your parents for permission first of course-)
-He had streamers, balloons, and he got you a huge stuffed animal of your favorite animal 💕
-He Also got you earrings (if your ears aren't pierced, then a bracelet) and put it in your locker for you to find:)

-Is literally so excited!
-Calls you early in the morning before you guys meet at school and tells you how much she loves you and how excited she is to give you stuff
-When you get to school, she gives you a dress that she made herself and your favorite candy :)
-After school, you guys have a sleepover at your house!

-He comes over to your house before school starts so he can walk you to school
-He made a mixtape for you with your favorite songs, as well as a humongous packet full of a bunch of cute stuff from his such as: letters, reasons why he loves you, things you do he thinks is cute, and about the times you guys spend together (that's literally so cute I can't-)

-Stops joking around with you all day
-Compliments you every 5 seconds and literally is so soft
-He writes you sweet notes during classes and gives them all to you when you two have a free period
-After school, he takes you to get ice cream and then  you guys cuddle at his house💗

-Comes over to your house early before school starts
-Literally wakes you up by kissing you all over your face (😭💞)
-After you wake up, you guys cuddle for a bit and then he gives you his present
-which is a gift basket filled with a bunch of your favorite things such as: books, candy, clothes, stuffed animal(s), makeup, perfume, movies, throw blankets, etc.
-He Also wrote you a very very long letter (Ben who?) about how much he's in love with you and so many other sweet things <3

-He leaves presents on your porch before school and before you leave your house (because he doesn't want to take the risk of possibly being late)
-He got you some shirts he noticed you've been talking about
-He got you some CDs too
-After you got to school, he gave you a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead (aww). He also gave you a ring💕
-After school, he took you on a date to a diner :)

-Since he's homeschooled, he just called you before school to wish you a happy birthday and he invited you to come over after school
-He decorated the barn super prettily and baked you your favorite type of cake to eat.
-He Also played music and you guys danced in the barn (aWw)
-He got you a huge stuffed bear with one of his shirts/hoodies on it😭

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