🖤You Hurt Yourself (minor)-Bowers Gang

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-you stubbed your toe really hard on a table leg (or something equally as hard as a table leg lmao)
-anyways the point is that it hurt really badly
-you started tearing up and he was like :((
-he felt bad for you, so y'all cuddled and listened to music
-he asked if your toe was okay lmao

-you fell and scraped your knee :(
-He felt so bad
-He gave you a piggyback ride and walked to the pharmacy nearby (it wasn't a long walk, don't worry)
-He got some cute bandaids and some medicine put on it
-He kept asking if you were okay
-When you guys went home, y'all cuddled and had a movie marathon of Harry Potter (haha Walmart version Draco Malfoy watching the real Draco Malfoy)

-You burnt yourself a little
-Not too badly to leave a mark or anything, but enough to hurt
-You picked up his lighter to move it, not realizing that he had just used it
-major ouchie :(
-He laughed for a few minutes until he realized that you were actually hurt- then he felt bad
-He found some medicine to put on it and made sure you were alright
-after that, he made sure to always tell you if he used it or not before you touch it lmao

-You fell and bruised your leg cause you fell on a large rock
-He was so upset because he hates when you get hurt
-There wasn't much he could do, but he hugged you, got you your favorite snack, and checked to make sure you're okay

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