🖤You Have A Nightmare-Bowers Gang

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-you dreamed that he suddenly didn't like you anymore and that he started bullying you like he did others
-you cried, and when you woke up, he was staring at you
-you tried to hide your tears and eyes, because you were embarrassed for one and you didn't want him to know about what you dreamed
-It was useless though, he knew something was up.
-"What's wrong, babes?"
-he wouldn't stop bugging you to tell him, so finally you did and started crying more
-he frowned, he wished you knew that he would never do that to you, but then again he is who he is and he knows that it's kinda scary so
-he reassured you that he would never and that he loves you way too much to ever do something like that to you
-he offered to cuddle you, which is extremely rare because he never does unless you ask first

-You had a nightmare that he cheated on you
-You woke up, crying, and since he's a light sleeper, he immediately heard you and woke up
-"hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, princess?" He asked, rubbing his eyes
-you told him, and he grabbed you into a hug. "I would never do that to you, ever. And if I did, I'd have to be the most insane guy there ever was, to give up everything to have nothing. you're everything in this case, by the way. I love you. And I don't think I'll ever stop, even if I wanted to." And with that, he kissed your nose.
-he cuddled you back to sleep aaa

-You had a dream that he set your house on fire
-You were shaking, and when you woke up, he was just staring at you
-you told him what was wrong and he laughed
-Also he literally never said he wouldn't though-

-You had a dream that he had a car crash
-You were so terrified, it seemed extremely real and you knew that in real life he always drives at insane speeds (unless you're in the car)
-so you were extremely spooked, and started crying because you thought it might come true
-he's a deep sleeper, so he didn't wake up at first until you poked his side
-he woke up, looking around with a mean look until his eyes finally settled on you and he softened
-"What's wrong, little one?" (He calls you this cause you're way shorter than him)
-you told him & he snorted with laughter and then pulled you close to him. He kissed your cheek. "I promise I won't die, as long as you're alive. I'll stay alive for you, babe." He laughed, poking your cheek.
-you guys fell asleep, holding each other

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