🖤They Show Up Unexpected-Bowers Gang

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Why- he got in a fight with his Daddio
-You were asleep in your room and woke up due to you hearing little taps on your window
-you peek out, seeing it was him and let him in
-he had a huge bruise on his arm and you guys ended up cuddling (to which he would never admit)  and you let him spend the night

•why: because missed you too much
-yep, he knocked on your front door (literally the only member of the Bowers gang who will willingly come through your door like a normal person)
-you saw him, tears running down his cheeks. You thought something was horribly wrong and immediately hugged him and let him inside
-he ended up telling you he was crying because he missed you so much (bruh)
-he also brought you some candy n then you guys cuddled for a long time and just had deep conversations :)

Why: he wanted to scare you
-It was at night, and you were super close to drifting off to sleep. You kept hearing little noises here and there from outside, but it wasn't really anything out of the ordinary.
-that is, until a freaking flame shoots by your window, scaring the living daylights outta you
-since you were pretty sleepy, you didn't stop to think, "hey, maybe this is my idiot of a boyfriend at my window!"
-instead, you literally fell off of your bed and hit your head on your nightstand
-great going, Patrick. Absolutely outstanding.
-you could hear him cackling outside of your window, so you opened the window and dragged him inside your room.
-you punched his arm and got back in the bed. You didn't say anything to him, you knew he'd stay if he wanted or leave if he didn't.
-He did decide to stay, and sat in a chair across from your bed and watched you fall asleep (creeper)
-yeah uh he never apologized either lol

why: He wanted to take you on a surprise date
-You had no idea he was coming, therefore, you're sitting in your kitchen, dressed in your most lovely sweatpants and hoodie, and chowing down on a poptart
-You heard a familiar car honk from outside and your eyes widen. You quickly finish eating and run outside on your porch, seeing him reading the back of some CD
-he notices you, looks you up and down, and then smiles
-"Heya, dork. Get ready for me, I wanna take you somewhere if that's fine." He says, and you hurry to get dressed up for him.
-you come back outside in your best dress/suit/whatever you wanna wear bro, and you guys go in a picnic that he made food for 😌✨

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