✨You Fluster Them- Losers

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-You can never really tell with this one
-Since he stutters, you can never really tell if his voice changes when you fluster him or not (like some people's voices get higher, they stutter a bit, etc.)
-Most of the time he always stays calm and you can never really tell if you flustered him or not, besides either a look that he'll give you sometimes or if he blushes

-She just kinda stares
-Like she doesn't know what to say and she's kinda in thought, so she stares at you when you fluster her
-She kinda laughs about it though, she doesn't really get embarrassed

-Either gives you really confused looks or is really embarrassed
-He fidgets with his fingers more when you fluster him, he also blushes more than usual

-Just laughs about it 99% of the time
-The other 1% is when you can actually catch him off guard and he's like 😳
-He doesn't really get embarrassed unless he really didn't expect whatever you said/did

-Depends on what you said/did
-Sometimes he blushes and sometimes he gets irritated
-Like if you flustered him by giving him a cute compliment, he'd probably just blush about it
-But if you made a 'your mom' joke and he really didn't expect it at all- then he'd probably be like '😾bRUH'

-Finds it amusing
-You can 50\50 fluster him, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't
-He always thinks it's funny/cute how you try though

-Not easily flustered, but he thinks it's really adorable how you try
-Sometimes you catch him off guard when he's working/distracted  or something
-Sometimes he laughs, cause he just thinks you're too cute

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