Chapter 16

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Ola's POV

I was so furious when i got home. I can't believe Nene and Lola could even think of letting that jerk into their home in the guise of being their 'very close' friends. I kept on envisaging Nene's reaction towards that Kunle when he bled at the car park.

How can she show him so much affection in my presence? He even had the effrontery to touch my Nene!

Yes, she's mine! He can't just touch and be all over her as if she belongs to him. He gave her a hug! He hugged my Nene!! I wish i broke his arm so he'll never lift it up to hug my Nene. She's so comfortable being around that Kunle, she even allowed him to give her a ride home. I offered to drive her home yet she turned me down. But kunle, he...

"Dude! Hey, bro!!!" Soji's yelled, making me snap back to reality.

"What's up with you? You zoned out...i asked some questions but you didn't respond." Soji continued.

"Abeg, noor vex jare. What did you say again?" I asked.

(P.S: "Abeg, noor vex jare..."

Nigerian pidgin English which means:

"Please don't be offended/angry...")

"I don't like the way you are brooding... a penny for your thought?" Soji said, with so much concern.

"Guy, you won't understand." I replied, as i hissed and buried my face in my hands.

"Chill, i hope it's has nothing to do with that Nene chick you told me about because the last time you told me, 'you won't understand', it was all about her matter. Tell me, am wrong." Soji retorted, looking somewhat upset.

I tilt my head and shook my head, hoping to get some consolation from him.

"What the hell?! Are you kidding me! You're still hell-bent on that love shit?!" He yelled, looking pissed as hell.

"Who said anything about love?" I sighed

"Then why the heck are you looking so dejected? What are you brooding about? Spill it out." Soji walks across the living room to where i was, and sat beside me.

I went ahead and narrated the entire  incident. Soji was perplexed.

"You mean, a year 1 student wrestled you? At the car park?! In the presence of students?! In this university? And he is still roaming about hale and heartily?! Omo oti slow ju! Say the word, he go miss sharp sharp!" Soji said angrily.

(P.S: "...Omo oti slow ju..." Yoruba language which means:

"...Guy, you are too slow/ you are not smart at all..."

"...he go miss sharp sharp!"  Nigerian pidgin English which means:

"...he will disappear immediately/ quickly!")

"He fucking did this to your lips? I didn't even notice your lips until now. That guy is done for! As long as he is in this school, he'll regret casting his shadow on your pathway. You see that Nene he is fighting for, she is yours already. I'll personally see to it that he doesn't have her! The nerve of that guy! To think he called you a sissy?! You should have broken his jaw!" Soji continued saying in anger.

"Funnily enough, i only know his first name, which is kunle, and that he is in my department, year 1. He is Lola and Nene's class mate and their study group tutor."

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