Chapter 38

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Nene's POV

'Hmm... that aroma!! Is that bacon, eggs and toast bread?! Oh! My caramel flavoured tea...yummy!' I said mentally as i sniffed while i gradually opened my eyes.

"Wake up my sleeping beauty!" L.D said as he gazed into my eyes.

He had his cheeks cupped in his hands, resting his elbow and leaning forward, so close to my face.

"Oh jeez! It's daylight already?! Oh my! I woke up late! I missed my devotion time!" I sat up quickly and made attempt to get off the bed but L.D slightly pushed me back to the bed.

"I put off your alarm. It's Saturday, why do you need to wake up so early on a weekend? I want you to relax. I want to spoil you today to make up for hurting you yesterday... Let me spoil you today... Allow me make it up to you, my Precious Angel" He said with a grin and kissed me.

"But i..."

"No but! Don't give me any but! All i want you to do right now is freshen up, have your breakfast and leave the rest to me. Come on, let's go take a shower... breakfast is getting cold and we have a lot of fun activities to do today." He interjects, pulling me off the bed.

"Umm... i... ok, ok! I... let me have a small bite... this meal looks tempting...the aroma is killing me." I hesitated, pulling him towards the coffee table where the breakfast was neatly set.

" sure know how to cook. This tastes so nice. Can't wait to dig into it." I said, as i put a bit of the meal with the fork in my mouth.

"Lol. Don't flatter me. It's just bacon, scrambled eggs and toast, anyone can prepare this... it's really nothing special." L.D said as he took the fork from me, placed it on the tray then he pulled me to the bathroom.

After we were done having our romantic bath and dressed up, we had breakfast. L.D then brought out a list of fun activities that he wants us to do for the day.

"Wow, Mr Lanke-Davis! This is a whole lot to do in one day! How are we going to achieve all these?" I said with my eyes wide open in surprise.

"A leisure at the beach; A time out at an exquisite resort; a romantic lunch time at the poolside; a cuddling time out at any cinema of your choice; a romantic dinner at an exquisite restaurant and a raunchy night out at a club.... Oh my days! This is so funny. How did you even come up with these ideas." I laughed my heart out as i read out the list.

"Well, it's only a genius like me who can come up with these ideas...just for you." L.D grinned and winked at me.

"We just have to make out time for them... the earlier we start, the better... so let's hurry up." He said, pulling me up from the mini couch.

"How about we settle for only two activities on the list? There's no way we can achieve all of them today. We have a pool here...I'll love us to have lunch by the poolside, here at home...instead of us going out to a recreation center and i'll also like us to go to the cinema here at ESQ. The rest can be done when we have mid-semester break...there's no rush." I replied.

"Aww. Why only two activities?! We can get them all done if we set out in time. Please don't ruin my hard effort...i really want to make it up to you by spending time with you, today." L.D pleaded.

"Yeah, i know and that's why i selected those two activities. We will get to spend more time on-campus as against going off-campus. If we go off-campus, there's no telling when the Lagos traffic will 'hit' and steal out of the time meant for us to be together. We may even end up doing only one of the activities then rush back to the University. For me, achieving two acitivities out of the whole lot you listed and spending more time on them is far better than wasting our time getting trapped in traffic, spending little time together at those places then rushing back to campus." I pouted.

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