Chapter 49

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Ola' POV

▪▪▪ "She's awake, She opened her eyes." I whispered.


I jumped off the soft chair and began to press the emergency button beside Nene's bed to alert the nurses at their station. ▪▪▪

Lola and Soji woke up immediately to the sound of me yelling. They looked startled as they both rushed to join me.

In a jiffy, three nurses and a doctor, who probably was on the night duty, came rushing into the room.

"Please, you all need to take your leave now. We need to assess the patient and we can't do it with you yelling and distracting us. Please, wait outside. Thank you." One of the nurses said politely as she ushered Lola, Soji and i out of the room.

Outside the room, i excitedly told Lola and Soji how i saw Nene open her eyes then she closed it.

"I told you she'll be alright! I told you my Angel will be alright." I said to Lola elatedly.

Lola giggled and gave me a hug and said:

"She's a fighter. She won't leave us just like that. She will make it through. I know she will." Lola said tearfully.

Soji rubbed his nape and said:

"Jeez! You scared the crap out of me with that yelling of yours. No offence... but i really need to sleep. So..."

I smacked the back of Soji's head before he could finish his sentence.

"Someone is lying in there... fighting for her life and you are here talking about sleep. How insensitive can you be?! I'm really disappointed!!"

"Umm... i didn't mean it that way, man. It's just that i had a long stressful day and i need to rest." Soji replied slowly.

"Then you shouldn't have stayed here with me! I didn't force you to stay. I would have understood if you had told me this excuse earlier on... but for you to say these words like you don't care about anything but your sleep is very insensitive of you!! Please, just go home at the crack of dawn, ok. Let me deal with my issue myself!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry." Soji replied.

There was a long silence after Soji apologized.

I kept on pacing back and forth waiting for the nurses and doctor to come out and give us a report about Nene's condition.

Finally, the Doctor came out and said Nene was yet to wake up fully... she's still in coma. He said it was a good sign that she briefly woke up. He place her on a 'round-the-clock' observation...

The nurses refused to let us back into the room to stay with Nene. So, we had to walk back to the reception area where we spent the rest of the night waiting endlessly. Lola and Soji slept off again, leaving only me... i couldn't bring myself to sleep... not with the frequent anxiety that i kept on having. My heart kept on skipping each time i see a doctor or a nurse walk past. I'd always get up, walk up to them and inquire if there was any news about Nene.

Daylight came and Soji had to leave. He promised to be back with some clean clothes for me to change into and breakfast. Shortly afterwards, Lola decided to go home. According to her, she needs to get home so her parents don't get a wind of Nene's condition.

Lola said if her parents get to know that Nene is admitted in the hospital, they will definitely inform Nene's parents. I told Lola that her parents will eventually get to know about the incident, especially Nene's parents and they will all blame her should anything go wrong with Nene. So, it's best she contacts a member of Nene's family and inform them of her condition.

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