Chapter 41

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Nene's POV

It's been four (4) days since i ignored Lola. I did the same routine everyday, these past four days.

I'd wake up as early as 4:30am, skip the breakfast Lola would make for me, meet up with L.D outside the house to go to school together, have lunch with L.D and after my lectures, i'd hang out with L.D at his place before i head home. I always got home as late as 10pm or 11pm.

Today, i decided to get home at 11pm and as usual, i went straight to my room. Opening my bedroom door, i was shocked to see Lola sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked.

Without making an eye contact, I walked towards my study table, placed my backpack on it then i waited for Lola's response.

"I want us to talk about what is going on between..."

"There's nothing going on and there's nothing to talk about! Please, leave my room. I had a very long day... i need to rest... like right now!!" I snapped and pointed at my door for her to leave.

Lola got off my bed, clasped her hands and pleaded saying:

"Nenny, please... don't do this. Why are you so harsh on me? This is so unfair... Give me a chance... hear me out, please. I don't like how our friendship is turning out these past few days... it's killing me. I'm so sorry... please, forgive me...i..."

"Look, Lola, it's either you leave my room now or i'll leave your place tonight...and ....and i'll... i'll... i'll go back to where i'm coming from. Far away from you ...where you won't be able to bother me!!! Please, leave my room, now!!" I said slowly with a trembling voice, looking away to hide the tears building up in my eyes.

Immediately, Lola fell at my feet and broke down crying:

"I'm so sorry Nenny! I'm so, so sorry that i got in the way of you and L.D. please, don't make this issue cause a dispute between us..."

"Ok... ok... i'll do anything! Name it! What do you want me to do to appease you? If you want me to go and apologize to L.D right now, i'll do it! But please, don't ignore me or treat me the way you are doing these past few days... please i beg you... our friendship means alot to me... please Nenny... please, forgive me...." Lola cried and said loudly while she held on to my right knee.

I felt a sharp pain in my heart and i cursed myself for making her go through this pain. I couldn't take it anymore, seeing her beg me non-stop.

"Please, get up." I pleaded in a whisper.

Lola ignored my plea and kept on crying, holding onto my knee.

"Lolly, get up!" I said, slightly raising my voice.

"No! Let me remain like this! I won't get up until you accept my apology." Lola kept on crying bitterly.

As i knelt down slowly and came face to face with Lola, she said:

"I'm sorry. Nenny, i'm so sorry... didn't mean to upset you... i was only looking out for you. I didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't mean to cross the line..."

"Lolly..." I managed to say as i broke down crying too.

I wiped Lola's tears, gave her a tight hug and said:

"It's ok... shh.. don't cry. You're making me feel really bad. I've forgiven you..."

"Really?! You have?! Oh, thank you! Nenny, thank you! I'll go and apologize to L.D right now." Lola said, pulling away from our embrace.

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