[1] punches

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we're not just friends - parks, squares, and alleys



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chapter 1: punches




I craved the physical sensation of my own power.

Some would call the feeling adrenaline, others would call it strength, but the triumphant energy stung like lightning buzzing throughout my entire body. When I kicked and punched the soft leather in front of me, I felt a longing burn in my veins. I never allowed myself to stop, not until I was dripping with sweat, incased in an electric warmth from head to toe.


Bright, golden sunbeams caressed my skin, sinking into memories and forgetfulness of my past. The sky was clear, almost mesmerizingly so, urging me to train to the core of my problems, outside and alone.

That was usually how I liked to do things: alone.

Not that I couldn't get along with other people, or I minded talking, I had just learned being isolated from others was easier, and there would always only be one person to blame: myself. Of course, joining the Cadet Corps meant daily heaps of teamwork, constantly stimulated by trivial human interactions, but through the years, I eventually learned the importance of working together. Though, if I were being completely honest, I would still gladly jump at the chance to remain in solitary.

After finishing up my workout, I headed back toward the dorms to take a quick, much-needed shower, before dinner arrived. Blissfully, the tired daylight began to retreat behind itself, and a light breeze glided past me, cooling my sweat-ridden skin. My now moist outfit consisted of a tight-fitting, black tank top and some baggy, gray shorts. Not particularly my taste in fashion, but the garments were extremely functional for killing giant, fucking humanoid creatures.

I entered the tattered, slightly putrid dorms, and almost instantly came face to face with an unyieldingly annoyed Sasha.

"I just don't understand why we have dinner so late! I'm so goddamn hungry" she whined to Mikasa, who looked like she wasn't even paying attention, "Oh hi, Mae. Didn't see you come in...but don't you agree that dinner should be earlier...or, NO...WHAT IF WE HAD TWO DINNERS?"

Yes, my name is Mae. Mae Vogel.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

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