[15] mother

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chapter 15: mother
tw! - abuse and violence

"Dearest, stop crying, or I'm going to have to lock you up in the boiler room for a few days. You don't want that again, do you, sweetheart?" my Mother said in a sickly sweet and unnerving tone.

"No, Ma'am" I complied.

"Good girl. Now shut your mouth, and behave like a worthy assassin for Mommy, will you?"

I nodded my head, staring down at my broken and bloodied toes. Today was Sunday, which meant Mama and Papa gave me special lessons. It was usually a day filled with blood, sweat, and tears, but not because I was working hard, because the infliction of their pain was so agonizing: though, I always sucked it up. Luckily, today only involved my feet, which I was grateful for.

I didn't really understand what the point in all of this was, but I would do anything Mama and Papa asked of me. I loved them so much, and they gave me treats whenever I behaved, so why wouldn't I listen to them? The torment was for my good, after all. Although I had never read any of this in my books, I suppose this was a normal occurrence in families. Surely, right? This time, I was working on holding back my tears, even though I sucked at it. Mama said if I learned this, then the real fun would begin, so I was trying my very best.


Another one of my toes was being broken, so I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying. My breath was slightly labored, but Mama said that just came with experience. She put pressure on my 4 already broken toes, making them swell in even more pain.

"Look darling, you're doing so well! Maybe next time we'll try something a little different, how does that sound?" she smirked.

"Okay" I nodded my head.

Her slender hands slowly crept toward my face, caressing my flushed cheeks.

"Oh, Mae, look how wonderful you have become. Remember, it's all for your good, so one day you can take my place. Right, sweetheart?"

"Yes, Mama, of course," I smiled.


"It's Ma'am, to you! I thought you knew better than to be so idiotic, you fool" she scoffed at me, suddenly changing her demeanor.

My Mother slowly started walking away from my presence.

"No, please!"

"Mo-... Ma'am come back!"

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