[8] infirmary

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chapter 8: infirmary

I woke up in a daze.

Muffled voices surrounded my cloudy mind, but I couldn't seem to understand where I was. My now conscious brain struggled to comprehend why I felt tense eyes burning through my body, and why I was even unconscious in the first place until I remembered...

I shot up from the stiff bed, only to be met with an infirmary room filled with too many people for my liking.

"Fuck my life" I mumbled, putting my hand up to cover my face.

"You're finally awake!" Hanji exclaimed.

"Sadly" I sighed.

"Damn, Mae, you have to stop scaring us," Connie said.

"I'm just glad that you're okay" Mikasa smiled lightly.

"Thank goodness, my wittle Mae is awake!" Sasha cooed.

As Hange took my temperature and checked my heart rate, I scanned the room. Jean, Eren, and Armin were asleep on some chairs in front of me, Mikasa was next to Eren, awake and staring at presumably nothing, Connie and Sasha were on the floor beside me, eating who knows what, and Shorty was in the corner of the room, stoically looking out the window, acting like he couldn't care less. Upon my alertness, Mikasa took the initiative to wake the boys up.

"Woah! Jean, Armin!" Eren shouted, "She's awake!"

"What the fuck? Did you guys think I wasn't going to wake up, or...?"

"No, we were just worried about you" Armin smiled, yawning from his tired state.

Jean budded in, "Yeah, dumbass. I thought you weren't scared of anything, so do you want to explain to us exactly what happ-"

"Please don't say another word," I said in a stern tone.

"But, Mae-" Jean pestered.

"Stop" I was not in the mood.

Jean didn't know where to draw the line, "Okay, whatever, since you never let anyone in. You're impossib-"


He shut up after that. Everyone looked a little frightened of me, but I didn't blame them. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head in my arms. I didn't want to become any more vulnerable than I already was.

"Leave..." I commanded, "Please."

No one said a word as I heard my friends slowly shuffle out of the room. I knew I sounded like a cold-hearted bitch, but I just needed to be alone. I hoped they realized how embarrassed and ashamed I was, and that I wasn't ready to open up about everything yet. I hoped they realized I was beginning to break, finally.

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