[16] you

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i don't wanna love somebody else - a great big world



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chapter 16: you

"WOOHOO, I'M FREE!!!!!" I said, carelessly skipping around town.

"If you're any louder, I'll have to kick your ass" Levi scolded.

"Who said I didn't want that?" I smirked.

He scoffed and put his hand up to his forehead, "You're such a brat."

I gave him another suggestive look.

"You know what, I'm not going to say anything from now on" he deadpanned, walking ahead without me.

"No, no! I'm sorry, I know I'm annoying, and I know you'd rather be with someone else right now, but please, just bear with me" I apologized, catching up with him.

Levi kept walking and didn't say anything, but I knew he was still listening.

I continued, "I know I'm hard to deal with, and I'm a cold bitch who doesn't let anyone in. I know I'm broken, and confusing, and I always seem to be in trouble where you end up saving my ass. I'm stubborn, distant, and have a hard time accepting things I don't like. I know I'm just a girl with a damaged past. I know that, but thanks, Levi. I appreciate you."

He steadied on without a word, leaving me thinking I just spilled my heart out for nothing, but then he stopped suddenly, making me bump into his back.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shut up" he said, interrupting me, "You might be all those things, but that's why I like you, Mae."

That was all he said.

I like you.

Those words echoed in my mind. They scared me, terrified me even. I knew he knew that. Levi knew that I knew, that he knew that, but he said it anyway. God, he confused me. He never stumbled over his words, yet his face always told another story. His mind was messy, unorganized, too deep for his own good. He acted so detached from his emotions, but I had never met anyone who could understand despair, affection, rage, warmth, sympathy, grief, shame, concern and desire as well as him. Besides all of that, I knew he was scared too.

Maybe, all along, he was the person I had been looking for.


Levi and I had checked into our hotel rooms about an hour ago. We hadn't said much to one another after our whole conversation in town, but I knew one thing for sure about our undisclosed relationship: things could never be awkward between us.

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