[21] reunited

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breathe me - sia



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chapter 21: reunited
tw! - public hanging

"I can't stand seeing Eren's skinny ass hanging out of his Titan any longer than I have to, so can we please call it a day?" I whined to Hange as she fiddled over steaming guts.

"Yeah, no offense bud, but you're not looking too hot" Connie pointed out.

With Mikasa pulling his arms out, which were still attached to the evaporating body, Eren growled, "Hey, it's not my fault! I've been working my ass off all day to try to get my damn body to do something useful! You try it!"

I rolled my eyes at an all too dramatic Eren, making my way up the cliff to join Levi and Armin.

"Hey, Mae" Armin said in a worried tone, "How's he holding up?"

"Like shit" I bluntly replied, "But I guess I can't blame him, Hange was pushing her head way too far up his ass today."

"Seems like the brat's wearing himself down" Levi budded in, our attention turning toward steamy clouds of hot air emerging from the powerless, disappearing corpse.

The glimmering sun laid firmly on the horizon, waiting to fall behind the mountain's secluded peaks. We were looking forward to crushing the enemy, especially after a long day of training and lingering away from the enemy at hand, which was essentially the King's piss servants.

After Eren dislodged himself safely, Mikasa, Sasha, and I made our way to a close-by river before dinner. Dragging our dirty, sweaty bodies to the clarifying water, we were finally able to scrub away the stress of anticipation and long hours. I dipped my toes into the cool liquid, slightly shivering at the temperature. Submerging myself in the shallow neck of the stream, I sat down on a smooth rock, lying back to soak up the refreshing feeling.



She laughed, surfacing from the sloshing water.

"Woohoo! It feels so nice to finally wash my body after days of nonstop training" Sasha said, water dripping down her hair and onto her forehead.

"Agreed" Mikasa chimed in, stepping in the brook.

"Also, feels nice to have some girl time. The boys were starting to get on my nerves" Sasha grinned.

"Tell me about it" I mumbled.

"Mae?" Mikasa asked.


"Want to explain why you have bruises all over your body?"

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