[0] introduction

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"I get it. Your past haunts you. You slip up, say things you shouldn't about the person you used to be, but it's okay. Say shit, and move on."



EYE COLOR: light blue

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EYE COLOR: light blue

HAIR: long and blonde


BIRTHDAY: april 18, aries

INTERESTS: hand-to-hand combat, vulgar language, animals, the stars, life outside the Walls

HABITS: sitting with her knees to her chest, saying the word "fuck" unprecedented

PET PEEVES: idiocy.

ABOUT: Mae Vogel was born just outside of Shiganshina, inside Wall Maria, with her Mother and Father. She lived a very secretive and unconventional life as a kid, but nonetheless, grew up to be strong, independent, and curious about the world she calls home. She's self-reliant, witty, kindhearted (although she doesn't like to admit it), and is usually cold toward people she doesn't particularly like or know well. Though, when she trusts a person, she trusts them fully, giving them her all. Barely anyone knows about her past, but she certainly has the scars to prove her childhood was never pleasant. Mae believes there is so much more to life than order and living inside the Walls. She presumes that a long time ago, power-hungry people made the Walls to encase other humans, controlling them from the outside and watching their every move. To her, living inside the Walls was like living inside of a fear-stricken cage.

She just wants to be free.




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hello! i just wanted to say there are specified songs for each chapter, if you'd like to listen along. the link to the playlist is on my profile page.

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