[27] tension

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you're all i want - cigarettes after sex



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chapter 27: tension
tw! - degrading , sub/dom dynamics, oral (m. receiving), teasing

"Oh my god. Punch the shit out of him!" I eagerly shouted.

"Mae, he's still our Captain, you know," Jean said.

"Yeah, yeah" I mumbled.

"Here he comes" Connie excitedly whispered.

"I'm so nervous..." Historia whined.

"Best day of my life" Mikasa whispered under her breath.

After Historia's coronation, we all decided that she needed to pay Levi back for all the times he had been a complete asshole to our squad. I guess being Queen had its perks. As Levi neared toward us, we all stopped in anticipation.

"What are you guys doing?" he questioned.

Mikasa and I were trying to stifle our laughter. No one said a word as Historia hesitantly stepped closer to him.

"HYYAH" she yelled, running and weakly punching Levi in the arm, "How did that feel, huh? You can't do anything about it though, since I'm the Queen! HAHAH!"

Jean, Connie, Eren, Armin, and Sasha all gasped in shock, scared of whatever evil, hell-spawn ideas he was planning next, meanwhile, Mikasa and I had the biggest grins plastered on our faces.

"That was payback for when he obliterated Eren" Mikasa whispered to me, "Oh god, how I wish I could just stomp on his short ass."

"I wonder what would happen if I did that?" I questioned.

"Knowing him, he'd hit you right back."

The fact that she was right...

Out of nowhere, and all of the sudden, out of the depths of the deep fucking blue, Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman cracked a smile.

"Thank you, guys. I needed that" he chuckled.

Wow. Just, wow.

His beaming face was breathtakingly gorgeous. Each time I had the pleasure of seeing this side of him, I was always amazed at his radiance. I wonder if he grinned like that as a boy, maybe whenever he saw a stray cat or was able to earn enough money for a warm meal. I wonder what happened that made his smile fade away because now he had his heart in a padlocked safe, afraid to trust people with his happiness.

He was the most beautiful man I had ever met.


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