[14] annie

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repeat until death - novo amor



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chapter 14: Annie

To my surprise, I was sitting in a carriage with Commander Erwin and Corporal Levi, heading straight toward Stohess, which was a somewhat strange occurrence. Since Levi had an injury, he was only along on 'operation Annie' to sit back and observe. Luckily for me, since I was on the Captain's squad, and he seemed to have taken a liking to me, I was granted permission to travel along with Levi, who just so happened to be in the same carriage car as Erwin. My cast was set to be taken off tomorrow when Levi and I reached Trost, and I couldn't have been more excited. I wanted to be able to walk on my damn leg again.

To feel free again.

The whole 'operation Annie', or as I liked to call it 'operation blonde bitch', surrounded the works of Armin, Eren, and Mikasa leading Annie underground. Depending on Annie's reaction to descending below the city, the world would finally find out, once and for all, if she was the Female Titan.

Truthfully, Eren was called to the Capital right after our recent expedition, but there was no way in hell the Scouts would ever let go of him, especially when we were so close to the truth. So instead, Erwin disobeyed the Government's orders, and his plan guaranteed that Stohess would be in shambles in about 30 minutes. I did feel bad for the people and this city, but I fully trusted the Commander's judgment. Either the fate of life inside the walls lay beneath this shifty, unconventional plan, or in about 5 years, all three of the walls would eventually fall to the Titans. Lives were going to be lost either way.

Maybe...that was just life?

Abruptly, as we were parading through Stohess' gates, a huge boom transpired.

"Goddammit, Eren. You better be pulling your weight out there" I whispered, looking out of the window.

"He'll be just fine. The brats an idiot, but he's fully capable of taking her down" Levi retorted.

"Let's hope so" I sighed.

The cart suddenly stopped.

Erwin cleared his tense throat and spoke to me, "Vogel, Levi, and I have to go converse with Nile, so stay here until further instruction."

I saluted, "Sir."

"Very well."

They both exited the carriage, and soon, I was left alone.

I was frustrated, to say the least. I wanted to cut that Titan bitch up so bad after what she did. What she did to me. What she did to Levi's squad. What she did to the Scouts. What she did to humanity. Maybe she was tormented. Maybe her life depended on the death of humanity. Maybe she knew something bigger than us, but I found it hard to believe I could ever fully forgive her.

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