[17] kiss

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never leave - lanclier



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chapter 17: kiss

"Can I please kiss you?"


He grabbed me and shut the door behind him, making sure to lock it just in case some dumbass accidentally barged in. Then, he wasted no time pushing me against the closed entryway and connecting his steady mouth with mine. Levi's lips were rough and eager, and he tasted like mint and black tea, reminding me of calm, cool mornings with too many cups of coffee. His hands found my waist, using his thumbs to slowly stroke the scar ridden skin on my abdomen. My fingers were wrapped around his neck, tangled in his hair, pulling him closer to me. Our lips moved in perfect synch, tongues steadily invading each other's mouths, aching for a way to love without words.

He put his hands on the back of my thighs, signaling for me to grip my legs around his torso. As I did so, he lifted me up, shoving me about the wall even harder.


Our upper bodies were up against one another, leaving both of us vulnerable to the other's body. He fervently brought us over to the pure-colored, freshly made hotel bed and laid me down on my back, my body now caged in by his arms.

"You are a flustered mess right now," he said, leaning down for another kiss.

I scoffed into his mouth, before pulling back and replying.

"Shut up and kiss me, Captain."

A serious, lustful expression captured Levi's face, completely changing his demeanor in front of me.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me, Mae" he quietly grumbled, kissing behind my ear, "My self-restraint is testing me."

He planted lethargic kisses down my neck, making sure to savor the delicate skin that had been treated loathsomely by the people of my past.

"Who said I wanted you to restrain yourself?" I gently questioned.

Levi looked hesitantly at me.

"I need to take this slow," he said before locking his dark, clashing eyes with mine and stroking pieces of golden hair out of my face, "I still haven't fully forgiven myself for what happened during training. I can't see you hysterical and crying again because of me...I—I just can't."

I sat still, studying him. Hints of condemnation and disapproval of himself lie within his expression. I sat up, scrunching my eyebrows, and stroked the side of his cheek, still trying to figure out why he looked so guilty.

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