[20] profanities

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cafe beat - no vacation



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chapter 20: profanities


The only thought I had while trying to untangle myself from the messy, fair-colored bed sheets surrounding my unwieldy body.

Coming to my senses, I realized where I resided and who the man next to me was. I undoubtedly remembered the long-awaited, unbelievable night Levi and I shared. The way he stroked my skin, kissed my scars, and made love to me was an out of body experience. He was my haven, my slice of a good life. Living was stupidly sincere and irrational, throwing people, places, and things here and there, but the moments too perfect for the universe's capability were the times I truly believed everything happened for a reason. I understood, finally.


But goddammit, Levi, I think you destroyed my body.

I heard a groan and shuffling beside me, causing me to turn my body toward Levi. Thinking he was still asleep, I moved my hand to skim his messy hair, but I nearly had a heart attack when he grabbed my arm and pulled himself into my chest.

"Good morning, beautiful" he grumbled.

His morning voice was sexy as hell...NO, shut up brain, I already knew I couldn't handle any more of my libido.

"Mhm, good morning to you too," I said as he buried his head into my clutch, running my fingers through his silky fringe, "How did you sleep?"

"It's the most shut-eye I've gotten in years."

"Yeah, same. Probably because we fucked until 3 in the morning, not that I'm complaining."

"Mhm," Levi hummed against my skin, starting to lustfully nip at my décolletage.

I grimaced, "Leviiiiii, I'm sore as hell. If my upper half looks like this, then I can't even imagine what the bruises on my ass look like."

He chuckled, "You said you wanted it rough, so I gave it to you, princess."

Somehow by the gods above, he had more sexual energy stored away. To my surprise, he took my nipple into his mouth, breath hindering in a shocking satisfaction.

"I just want to taste you again" he murmured across my skin.

I whined, "I can't even move"

"Just let me savor you a little longer, please."

Not that I minded the pleasure, I was just weary of not being able to fucking walk and my nosy friends asking questions. God, especially Mikasa. I think she would murder me if she ever found out that our gloomy, pain-in-the-ass captain railed me from behind. My sex life was the last thing I needed them to find out about.

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