[22] kill

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test drive - joji



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chapter 22: kill

Stare straight ahead. Breathe in and out. Hands at your sides. Hold back your tears. Pretend everything is numb. Don't look back.

Mikasa's hand was warm, a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone. Walking away from the crowd, no one uttered a word after I spoke the truth, not wanting to trigger the raging fire inside of me. As I walked a mindless path down the streets of Trost, I counted the cracks in the cobblestone, distancing my thoughts from the reality of things. One of the pieces of stone was exponentially more weathered than the rest. The years of rain and hooves must've worn the rock down to its fragile state, and too far gone to fix, that part of the street would have to be replaced.

"Behind us! Watch out!" Suddenly yelled Levi, pushing me and Mikasa out of the way.

Some men in a cart quickly grabbed "Eren" and "Historia", riding away at a dangerous speed.

"Time for the plan?" whispered Mikasa.

"Follow my lead" Levi responded, nodding.

The rest of us whipped through town with our hoods covering our heads, trying not to catch any more attention than we needed. Tailing the cart containing the human bait, we were led to a warehouse near the water canal. Landing on the roof, Levi laid out a plan.

"Armin told you guys what to do, correct? I expect each one of you to carry out your duty, we're all counting on you."

They all nodded, saluting, and hopped down to their positions. I gave Levi a "what now?" glance.

"You're coming with me" he gently, but sternly commanded, "Something isn't right, and I have a feeling we're fighting more than Titans now—"

"Humans" I interrupted him, deadpanning, "And I'm a human-killing machine, so I need to get my shit together or we'll die: no hesitation. That's what you're saying, right?"

His mouth was agape, furrowing his eyebrows at my compliance. I didn't know what he expected though, he knew I paid attention to every single fucking, compulsive detail.





"Mae, do you—"

"Let's go" I cut Levi's talking short again.

He knew my boundaries, shutting up after I interrupted him. I wasn't really in the conversing mood, especially when we were basically criminals on the loose.

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