[18] sky

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hourglass - vacation manor



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chapter 18: sky

Hues of pink and orange settled in the sky as if the world was screaming in fiery madness.

"Holy hell, Commander Erwin is driving a swarm of Titans straight toward us."

The heavens were flaming with rage, alongside bloody and violent wails.


Broken trust and fragmented friendships seemed to materialize within the horizon's magnificent, pitiful colors.


"DIE, BASTARDS" I screamed as I ripped apart another one of the monsters' napes.

I whipped through the air at an uncanny speed, slicing every and any Titan in my way. I was sick of them, absolutely fucking disgusted at their existence. Before the flurry of sudden chaos, we had spotted the Colossal Titan with Eren, Bertolt, and Titan Ymir was on his back. Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, and I fled to Eren's rescue, while he was encased in the giant hands of Reiner. Pleading and reminiscing did no good, and before anyone knew what hit them, Mikasa captured Eren, and the Commander led a massive group of Titans toward Reiner, rendering him immobile.

So, now what? What the hell were you even supposed to do in this situation?

Breaking my worried thoughts, I heard a distant cry. A cry that held an agonizing sense of duty, pride...freedom.

I watched as Commander Erwin's arm was engulfed by an oncoming Titan, and I couldn't believe my eyes. So, I screamed. I screamed so exceedingly loud that Titans came at me in every direction, but I didn't care...because I was going to destroy them all.

My body flew in circles, thrashing through the air, slicing eyes, ankles, napes, fucking pieces of their hair for all I cared. I just wanted every single one of them dead. I went full-on crazy bitch mode, not even stopping to take a look around or a breath for myself.

"I hate you, I hate all of you," I said through gritted teeth.

I was in a whirlwind of pure mania until I saw the Commander helplessly crouched upon the ground. I was NOT having that shit, so I flew in, just before a Titan gobbled Erwin up whole this time, and I bashed it's fucking skull in.

"COMMANDER!" I shouted.

The look in his eyes showed me that he never planned on giving up, but his actions showed otherwise.

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