[4] scream

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boys will be boys - stella donnelly



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chapter 4: scream
tw! - SA, blood, descriptive violence

After my conversation with Corporal Levi, I met up with Mikasa, Eren, Jean, Armin, Sasha, and Connie at the dining hall for dinner. Our usual boisterous conversation was much quieter today because we were all still getting used to the intense training. Exhausted and droopy eyes created a heavyweight on the crisp, spring air tonight, so I decided to attempt to lighten the foul mood with my exciting news.

"Hey, guys" I spoke, "Uh...I'm...uh...on the Special Operations Squad now."

Everyone just ogled at me with a blank stare.

"Don't all speak at once" I satirically remarked.

"No...no, oh my god, that's...that's so amazing Mae!" Mikasa shook my shoulders.

"Congrats!" Armin said.

"Wait, you mean like Corporal Levi's squad? How the hell did you manage that?"

"Wow, Jean, I'm glad you have so much confidence in me" I rolled my eyes, "Well, he said he knew of my so-called "skills" before I even joined the Scout Regiment, and he was impressed with me. So I guess he requested that if I joined the Scouts, then I was to be put in his squad?"

"Wow. So, you'll be with me?" Eren asked.

I nodded.

"That's badass, Mae!" Connie shouted.

"Yeah, well Mae is the biggest badass we know" Sasha laughed.

"I beg to differ, I think Mikasa beats me there," I said, "Honestly, I'm surprised the Corporal didn't pick her. I mean, I just feel like a dumb bitch sometimes."

"Oh, please."

Mikasa rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you ever realize how great you are? You ranked number one for a reason."

I hesitantly smiled at her and nodded in agreement, "I guess so...thanks."

The upwardly curved lips of my companions loomed around me. I was eternally grateful for my supportive friends, and even though I had a habit of isolating my self-deprecating ass, I didn't mind them. I suppose friends made dealing with life's shitty problems worth the pain.


On a chilly, crisp morning, after breakfast, I was assigned stable duty, though I didn't particularly mind because I loved animals, and the horses were so cute. I would rather shovel horse shit, than clean grimy dishes in the mess hall. Just thinking about touching everyone's saliva-coated utensils made me gag.

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