[9] dead

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killer - phoebe bridgers



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chapter 9: dead


A distant cry for help echoed through the trees.

Sounds of bones being snapped and crushed dirtied the delicate air.

The smell of human blood surrounded the loss of life.


Before I knew what had hit me, I was charging at the Female Titan, pure anger surging throughout my body. Knowing another human had caused this despicable damage, made me sick. I fought to keep my eyes peeled away from the lifeless bodies of my squad members, trying to maintain my focus solely on the target in front of me, but just as I was about to slice her newly regenerated eye, I heard a familiar roar behind me. Suddenly, the world began to spin. I hadn't realized my issue right away, but the mere second I took to notice the presence of Eren's Titan, the Female Titan had me in her clutch, effortlessly swinging me across the forest. On my fall to the ground, tree branches hit my disheveled body, and my ODM gear acted out of control. I decided I wasn't quite ready for death, so at the last second, as my gear malfunctioned, I managed to shoot a grappling hook onto a gigantic, mossy tree above me.

I was now hanging sideways, with no working ODM gear, and my leg was killing me. I assumed one of my bones was broken (and probably dislocated), due to the shape and color of my appendage. I screamed in frustration.

"FUCK" I said panting, trying to catch my breath, "That whore-eating bitch."

In the distance, I could hear Eren roaring in anger and agony, while he battled the enemy at hand. Honestly, I was no match for the Female Titan. Between her hardening abilities and overall combat skills, she was a force to be reckoned with. I was a tad worried about Eren too. He was strong and ruthless in his Titan form, I will say that, but this bitch was unlike anything we had ever encountered.

After a lot of roaring and pummeling sounds, the air was suddenly quiet, which worried me. The silence meant one of them won and the other...dead? Captured? Injured? I was afraid, but restless to find out.

Abruptly, I heard the whipping of someone's ODM gear in the distance.


An arm wrapped around my waist and the person zipped me up to a tree branch.

I looked at his familiar face, wide-eyed.

How the hell was I supposed to tell him his whole squad was dead?

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