[24] relief

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quiet eyes - axel flóvent



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chapter 24: relief

"The screams seem louder than when the Captain did it."

"I know they're in the wrong, but something about all this just sits uneasily with me. We're not fighting Titans this time, we're fighting humans. Now we have blood on our hands forever."

"I'm hungry-"

"Shut up, Sasha."

"I miss Eren."

My eyes fluttered open from my haphazard nap, trying to tune out the sounds of torturing downstairs. The lights were harsh on my sensitive eyes, so I closed them again, hoping for another short moment of unconscious peace.

"Is Mae asleep?" Jean whispered.

Sasha looked down at her lap where my head was resting, "Seems like it."

Jean let out a sharp exhale, "...I had no idea."

"Me neither, but it's not like she could've told us sooner, she was terrified that her parents would kill us" Armin replied, "Rightly so."

"But somehow, it all makes sense now" Connie spoke, "The cold bitch face, the distancing, her exceptionally good senses, all the scars..."

"I...I always noticed all the old wounds on her skin, but I never...I never thought much of it at the time" Jean muttered, "I'm such an idiot..."

"I feel the same way like I'm partially responsible as to why she never felt like she could trust the people around her" Mikasa expressed, "I lived with her for years and years, never even knowing her sorrows."

"Life is so cruel, and to the most admirable people," Sasha sighed.

Armin chimed in, "Yes, but Mae is admirable because of what she's experienced. She knows the fragility of life more than anyone, and for that, she's strong and powerful. That's why we never saw through her facade."

"Mae, you're the coolest, most amazing person I've ever met" Sasha uttered, looking down at my fragile face.

Suddenly, the door of the basement opened, creaking due to the building's old structure.

"Goddammit" Levi sighed, shutting the door behind him and Hange.

"Hey, kiddos, you might want to brace yourselves for this" Hange stated, getting everyone's attention, "After much trepidation, we concluded that the Reiss family are the true royals...meaning, Historia is the rightful heir to the throne."

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