[3] captain

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chapter 3: captain

After Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass left, I went for a short walk around the castle, and then headed back to the dining hall for breakfast. I sat down next to Mikasa, and soon the whole of our friends gathered at the table.

"Hey, Mae, where were you this morning? You weren't in the room when I woke up" Mikasa asked.

"I woke up early and was bored, so I went on a walk."

"You're so weird, Mae. Who walks for fun?" Sasha inquired.

"What the hell else was I supposed to do? Crawl into bed with Mikasa?"

Everyone laughed.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind" Mikasa winked.

Eren looked a little flustered.

"Eren, you know she's kidding, right?" Connie spoke up.

"Uh, uh yeah, oh yeah I knew that."

God, someone needs to get this kid a better sense of humor.

"Eren, how has Titan training been?" Armin asked.

"It's been uh...interesting? You see, I can't completely control my abilities yet. So sometimes when I'm trying to activate it, my Titan form doesn't materialize, and then I end up biting my hand for no reason. Though, we did figure out that I need to have some sort of goal in mind, and I can't let myself hesitate."

"That's so fascinating. Who would've known? I mean seriously, I wonder if there are more people like you?" Armin inquired.

"Only time will tell," Mikasa said.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"I have a question for you, Eren" I budded in, trying not to laugh at what I was about to say.

"Has anyone told you how HOT your Titan is?"

My friends around the table looked shocked for a second but then burst out laughing at my ridiculous, completely satire, statement.

"Wait...what?" Eren looked very confused and innocent.

"I'm saying that your body in Titan form is sexy as hell, I mean besides from you being a Titan and all, but you're definitely the hottest one I've ever seen. I'm sure everyone can agree, and to be honest, seeing a body like that probably turns Mikasa o-"

Mikasa put her hand over my mouth, trying to suppress her grin. Everyone was giggling their asses off, meanwhile, Eren's face was as red as could be.

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