[26] father

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chapter 26: father


"My Father!" Historia exclaimed.

"Holy fuck, we're gonna die" Connie murmured.

Walking backward toward the wall, my hand grazed with Levi's, who looked just as worried as I did. Latching our hands together behind our backs, I gently smiled at him.

As the ceiling caved in and pieces of rubble swirled around, humanness shrill echoed through the cavern.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A crying Eren screamed, leaping forward into the mass chaos of Rod Reiss's mess.

This does not look very promising.

In a matter of seconds, a bolt of lightning struck Eren, turning him into his Titan form. Closing my eyes and squeezing my hand attached to Levi's, I braced myself for a spine-crushing impact, but after an untold amount of darkness, silence encased my ears.

Am I dead? No, the air is way too cold for me to be in hell.

Afraid to come to terms with my reality, I hesitantly opened my lids, but to my surprise, standing above us was Eren's Titan, sheathed in a blue, glass-like coat of solid matter, along with new pillars supporting the rest of the cavern.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled as she zipped up to his nape.

Eren...crystalized his body?

Mikasa and Jean yelled for Eren, knocking and pounding on the glass-like structure of his Titan.

"Captain, we'll go look for a way out!" Sasha stated as she and Connie entered a crack in the ceiling.

"Be careful" Levi spoke, his voice echoed in the now-empty cavern.

Standing completely still in awe, I was trying to process how I was still even breathing and not crushed to death by a huge piece of the shiny crystal. Spacing out was one of my specialties, and something Levi knew very well as I stared down at my bloodied and bruised palms.

How many people did I just kill? Oh, god. I feel sick, I reverted to the old habits of my Mother and Father. I thought I had escaped them, but now seeing that they dwell deep within the corrupted confines of my soul, I know I will never fully be free from their grasp, unless I accept that part of me. Accept that part of me...?

"Mae" Levi spoke, eyes piercing into my clouded vision.

"I'm fine" I mumbled, turning around to go help Jean and Mikasa.

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