[5] crying

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chapter 5: crying
tw! - mentions of rape


The two men stared at me with horror...actually, maybe more like a petrified confusion as to what they just walked into.

I collapsed on my knees, and Eren came running to my side.

"Mae, what the fuck happened? Seriously, are you okay?"

The Corporal just stood near the door, the same stoic expression plastered on his face.

"Captain Levi and I were looking for you, so you could meet the rest of the squad, and we figured you'd still be here for stable duty. On our way to the stables, we heard screams coming from your direction and ran here as fast as we could."

I went silent.

"Idiot, tell us what happened" Shorty snapped.

I huffed and got up on my feet.

"If you want to know so damn bad, then ask this bastard, rapist, when he wakes up. Be glad I didn't fucking kill him because I was about to until I heard you unless pieces of shit outside! I thought if I screamed loud enough after he pinned me down and PUT HIS HANDS ON ME, that just maybe someone would hear me. That was about 15 fucking minutes ago, and the last time I checked, it takes a man about 5 measly fucking minutes to cum their pants, and with how horny this one was, I would say at tops 2 minutes. Two FUCKING minutes, but as you can fucking see—"

I pointed to the unconscious man next to me.

"—I fucking took care of it. Now, if you want to be my knight in shining armor, then I suggest you help me drag his useless, fuck-up of a fucking body to the basement and lock him up until the damn pigs get here! There, because you wanted to know SO damn bad, that's what fucking happened!"

I was panting in anger, rage, and embarrassment at what I had just been through. Eren reached his hand out to pat my shoulder, but as if it was a reflex, I slapped his kindness back.


I didn't mean to lash out. I felt bad, but I just couldn't control my disgust and anger with humanity.

How many other people has this guy touched without permission? How many other girls have been sexually assaulted by a man they've never met, or even worse, a man they know very well? It's so sick. So. Fucking. Sick.

My thoughts were interrupted when Captain Levi finally spoke up.

"Eren, help me tie him up, and please take him to the back of the castle. There's an entrance to the basement there, so just wait for me or Eld, we'll take care of him after that." he sounded like he was concerned for once, "That's an order, Cadet."

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