[32] together

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for me here - conor lynch



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chapter 32: together


I hated the bastard.

I wanted to rip him to shreds, gauge his eyes out, and make him suffer for the despicable actions he brought upon us.

The Beast was thinning us out, taking his sweet old time to annihilate our very existence.

Sick fuck.

"Soldiers, move out! Don't you dare die on me!" I yelled, conviction barely in my voice.


I knew damn well that nearly none of them would make it back alive, but I couldn't admit that to them, not yet anyway. Erwin was stalling for time, our recruits were shitting their pants, and Hange's and my squad were on the other side of Wall Maria doing who knows what...and Mae...

I wonder how things were going for her. Honestly, probably just as shitty as this crapshoot was for me, but I trusted her.


Before I could even register what had happened, a barrel was flying directly over my head, cascading straight toward Shinganshina, but only after a wretched Titan's scream resonated in my ears.


No. Fuck. It had to be.

If Bertolt was in that container, and Reiner was calling for backup, that only meant one thing: the 12 people on the other side of the Wall were facing two Titans, instead of one, and...after that? A blast of scorching air would pummel their surroundings, leaving the fallen city in flames...and...and my comrades.



Those soldiers' screams would haunt my memories, there's no doubt. I already knew.

That's how it always is.

I looked to see if Erwin had made up his damn mind, but I could tell even he was unsure what to do in this situation.

What now?

As if time itself paused, an orange hue flashed upon my face, making me realize what was destined to happen. My pupils dilated, my breath hitched, and my face softened at the udder destruction waiting to happen.

Fate...is a bitch.


The wind was hot, blowing steam and rubble into the atmosphere.

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