[11] knives

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somewhere only we know - valentin



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chapter 11: knives

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Did I just hear him right?

"You can't fight in this battle, Vogel. Be realistic" Erwin said, his gaze piercing straight through mine.

I gave him a few seconds of silence.

"Okay," I plainly stated, trying to hold back my explosive anger.

Mr. Shorty was standing in the corner of Erwin's office leaning against the windows, staring off into space with that emotionless expression of his. As I exited the tense room and walked a good distance from it, I banged my fist against the nearest wall in defeat.

Stupid, useless body. Fuck you. Fuck the fact that you aren't strong enough, so you got hurt. Fuck the fact that you couldn't save Petra. Eld. Gunther. Oluo. Caleb. FUCK. All this death reminds me of him, reminds me of my ignorance.

I slid down the wall with my back against the wood and my leg extended out in front of me, getting comfortable to sit on the ground. It had been a little over a week since my injury, and honestly, my wound had been an absolute nightmare. No, not the pain, just the stupid little inconveniences I faced. I mean, shit, I had been through so much worse, but standing around, watching my comrades train and fight, it royally pissed me off. On top of that, I had just been so fucking angry. All I felt was anger. I didn't know about who, or even what, but I was just so...ANGRY.

"FUCK" I semi-shouted, staring up at the ceiling.

My nails dug into the palms of my hands, the angrier I got. The action was a bad habit of mine when I was stressed, but I never cared enough to do anything about it. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down, but I soon heard the pattering of footsteps approaching. They were quiet and precise, which only meant one person,


I never understood why he felt the need to protect me and get so unbearable near to me. I wish he knew the consequences of seeing the true Mae. I sensed him inching closer, until he stopped right in front of me, staring at my disheveled state. A few moments had passed, and he was still in the same position.


"What do you want, Levi?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

He was silent for a few seconds.

"You really freak me out sometimes" he answered.

I opened my lids, peering at his gaze.

"Your footsteps are so calculated, like you're constantly on edge. I always know it's you when I hear them, no one else has that kind of intensity."

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