[13] paperwork

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don't forget to breathe - anson seabra



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chapter 13: paperwork

"Shhh, you're going to wake them up. Look how cute!"

"Shut up, shitty glasses."

"Aw, you're no fun."

The familiar voices stood right in front of my once peaceful body, still slumped against the fountain with Jean's head on my lap.

With my eyes still closed I spoke, startling the two, "Can I help you both?"

Hange jumped back, scared shitless, thinking I was still asleep, but Levi seemed used to my madness.

"Get up, Vogel, I need you in my office" Levi demanded.

I groaned, opening my eyes. The sky was now a deep orange hue, presumably a little before dinnertime.


I tried to shake him awake.


Still no response.

"You're impossible."

I rolled my eyes. Finally, I smacked his cheek, and that did the trick.

"Good morning?" Jean asked confusingly as he lifted himself.

"It's 5 pm, genius" Levi replied with an annoyed tone.

"Someone is a little cranky today" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Levi grabbed my arm, pulling me up to my feet and grabbing my crutch. I was trying to get situated with my leg, but he seemed a little eager, pulling on my arm even harder.

"Oh my god, hold your damn horse! I'm hurt, if you couldn't tell" I sassily remarked.

He huffed and grabbed me by the waist, chucking me over his shoulder.

"Not this again" I whined.

"Shut up. It's painful watching you be a clumsy dumbass on that leg of yours."

He just wanted to embarrass me.

"Uh, bye?" I waved to Jean and Hange.

"Don't have too much fun" Hange smirked.

I stuck my tongue out and gave them the middle finger, while Levi just ignored Hange as per usual.


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