[23] truth

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coming up slowly - nick wilson



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chapter 23: truth
tw ! - mentions of suicidal thoughts

On April eighteenth, a girl named Mae Amsel was born into this unfortunate world. She had a Mom, a Dad, a warm house to sleep in, was assigned chores, completed homework, and played in sunny grass. On the outside, her life was normal and domestic, never knowing any different.

...but my past was the furthest from an ordinary childhood.

"Mae" Levi spoke, "You want to explain?"

Lillith and Henry Amsel, charged with an unthinkable amount of second-degree murder, were given the death penalty. They were known as a sniper and a knife-wielder, professional assassins, and my parents.

"No" I honestly answered, " ...but I owe you guys my story."

Everyone was all ears after a long day of watching me slowly break down, and now that we were finally resting, the attention was entirely on me.

"The man and the woman at the public hanging were my parents, killed for both treason and murder" I bluntly stated, "Assassins. They were assassins, and so am...was I. Born and raised a killer."

My first memory was of my Dad trying to suffocate me. He earnestly hated me from the beginning. He hated that I lived under his cold, bloodstained hands. After that, I remembered a lot of late nights and cold bodies. Sometimes, my Mom would come home with a blood-soaked shirt, dripping the crimson liquid onto our hardwood, and no matter how hard I tried to scrub the violence away, I couldn't. By that point, I realized killing was stamped into my DNA. I knew I would never be able to forget what I had seen. Then, when I had turned six, my parents began torturing me, readying my body for the role of an assassin. Every Sunday, I was dragged into our retched basement, smelling of metal and ashes, and was beaten, hours on end, for no other reason than being alive. Broken toes at first, then a snap of my wrist. Then, hits to the head, bugs in my ears, torn fingernails, whips to the back, kicks to my organs, slices on my arms, legs, stomach, and anything that could be cut, was cut. I didn't have a choice, so at first, I believed the lies my parents told me.

The pain is for your own good.

You need to become stronger.

One day you'll take our places in the world.

"I was abused a shit ton, and as you may imagine, being the daughter of two ruthless, glorified murderers, was never cheerful."

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