[10] rain

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screams and dreams - fae



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chapter 10: rain

A few grueling days had passed since my fated encounter with the Bitch Titan...or whatever they called her. While in the infirmary, I had spent a fair amount of time reading and looking out the window from my bed. My friends stopped by a few times, Hange too, but when I asked about the Captain, everyone always said he was drowning in paperwork. I understood that I wasn't his priority, but being around him just made my heart a little...warmer.

Yuck, I can't believe I just admitted that.

Somehow, he made living just a little bit more bearable, but I honestly had no idea why. Captain Levi was a short asshole with trust issues, and he had a weird fetish for cleaning and black tea, but I couldn't help but admire him. After hearing about Petra and the marriage, my heart sort of broke for the guy. The feeling of losing someone you care about was never a good one, especially when you knew you were partially at fault.

It...it sucks.

Today, I was supposed to get accustomed to moving around on crutches, which I was not even remotely excited about. I was, however, excited to leave the infirmary and get back to living a semi-normal life. I didn't mind the alone time though. The infirmary was usually serenely quiet, which gave me time to think. I thought about the outside, the vastness of the scorched, battered, and beautiful land. I thought about Mom and Dad, my old house, my old life, how I finally could leave my scars behind. I thought about him, wondering if he was watching down on me, either cursing me out or cheering me on. I should've forgotten about him already, but part of me still couldn't bear to tuck him away for good. His soft smile, golden hair, golden eyes, the way he held me so close to his heart.

I miss you, Caleb.

"Excuse me, Miss. Vogel? We'd like to instruct you on how to use the crutches and discharge you. Is that alright?"

"Yes, please" I groaned, "Let's get this over with."


After learning how to use the stupid, flimsy wooden planks I had to keep by my side, I headed to my room to shower the awful smell of rubbing alcohol and loneliness off of me. The Doctor told me I was allowed to get everything wet, except for my leg cast, which traveled from my mid-thigh to the bottom of my foot. Disgusting, but I guess it sufficed. I struggled to open the door to me and Mikasa's room, but when I leaned my head closer to the wood, I heard small, indecent noises coming from the other side.

I sighed.

"What are you two idiots doing? It's barely 9 am."

I rested my head upon the doorpost and heard two people shuffling around inside, whispering in hushed tones. The door swung open and, low and behold, Eren stepped out, hair ruffled and all. He looked at me with an apologetic "I'm sorry" face.

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