Chapter 2 (Mixed POV's)

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After school was working on the bathrooms, Currently I'm on bathroom number 3 and there's 7 through out the school. I clean fast and efficiently, not a spot left behind. It gets quite annoying when the after school club members come in to use the bathroom while I'm cleaning but I try to stay calm. At least they aren't mocking me, if they do I'll stick this mop up their asses. I start day dreaming again while I was cleaning. It was the usual day dreams, this time it was a memory. While I was cleaning I remembered the time Farlan and Isabel forced me to come outside with them for a picnic at the park. That day the sun was shining and it felt so warm. The breeze was like a cool refresher that swept through my hair. I had a smile on practically the whole day since it'd felt like a dream. We laid on the grass as Isabel and Farlan kept pointing at the clouds above them. Isabel spoke up at one point "Levi-bro, Farlan...... Do you guys promise we'll always stay together til we grow old?" I smiled and Farlan spoke "I sure will, what about you Levi? you promise?" I guess promises never last...... I bit my lip while wiping the mirrors, I starred at myself and sighed as I held back tears.

I flinched when the door opened all of a sudden. I sighed to myself as I took a quick glance. I was confused why there was another student there and I  saw he had the same questionable look. "excuse me, but what are you doing here after school hours?" He had asked. I looked at him through the mirror and noticed his eyebrows first thing "I got a detention eyebrows, leave me alone and carry on with your own business." I retorted. I expected some sort of insult on how rude I was as per usual but instead I got a " Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, I was just a bit confused because the student council ever stays this late. We've been getting recent complaints of graffiti on the bathroom wall-" I interrupted "yeah well I didn't do the graffiti, I had to clean that shit up now please leave me alone." I said not wanting to talk right not since I'd been so close to breaking into tears like a little bitch. He didn't move for a moment or say anything until he spoke up again "your that Levi kid aren't you?" I paused for a moment, Is that a bad thing? "So what if I am? Is their a problem between us I've never been informed about?" I said wiping down the sink.

"No, It's just I hear various rumors of you-" I got angered immediately at that word 'rumors' what the fuck?! doesn't anyone know better than to just ignore them? they aren't even real! "they're just rumors! I don't understand why people can't keep their mouths shut and mind their own business! don't tell me you believe that shit that they all say?!" He paused for a moment and hesitated to speak. That means he does believe them, The rumors of me dragging Isabel to her own suicide..... "I don't know all the details of course but it doesn't mean I believe both sides. I'm not exactly involved in this commotion" My teeth at that sentence "I hate bitches that always assume shit, everyone's the fucking same no matter what. Just assume shit, Disgusting" I said taking the cleaning supplies and walking out the bathroom pissed off and off to the next bathroom.

Erwin's POV

I saw Levi leave, he certainly has anger issues and it was very rude of him to just curse me out like that but I to would be mad if I was in his shoes. He's like a unread book. No one really knows much of anything about him. He's a loner at this school.... After I finished using the bathroom and walked out. I arrived back in the classroom and opened the door "You sure took a while Erwin" Hange said. I smiled "sorry I ran into a teacher who needed my help was all" I responded as I sat back down and the council conversed. 

After the meeting was finished I came up to principal Pixis "excuse me principal, I don't  mean to intrude but I'd like to ask a question of you if that's alright?" He cocked a brow turning around "and what would that be Mr. Smith" he responded. I sighed for a moment before standing back straight up "I'd like to ask why Levi got a detention? It's alright if you don't want to say why but I just would like to know" He cocked a brow confused "well he was fighting with three other male students and severely injured them" he responded. Now I was the confused one "Three male students were injured by one short male? that doesn't make sense, he was probably framed or something" I frowned a bit concerned for the Levi kid. He nodded "That kid is dangerous, trust me he is not one to be messed around with." I blinked for a moment surprised at the answer "Oh um.. alright then. Have a good day Mr. Pixi-" He interrupted me for a moment " Actually Mr. Smith, do you mind doing me a favor?" He asked of me. I turned back to him " Depends, what is it?" He hesitated "Um, well speaking of the Levi kid.... He has issues conversing with other students, will be maybe be able to try and get along with him? if that isn't much to ask of you?" 

I went back home accepting the request but I didn't exactly know what I was getting myself into really but it couldn't really be that bad. Like that Levi kid said  "they're just rumors..... Rumors aren't true.....But principal Pixis said that he wasn't a kid to be messed with....this might be harder than I expected" I sighed. Around half an hour later I arrived home eating dinner, I always hated dinner since it doesn't feel the same anymore. Father used to always come back home with a smile on his face but ever since he was brutally murdered it's been...different. Mother's been different lately as well. She's more colder now, it's probably the stress from her job. "how's school Erwin?" she asked taking a bite of her steak. "It was alright, nothing really new though the football team lately has been on edge and that's lead to our lose yesterday... but it's alright I know we'll eventually be on to-" I was interrupted by another one of her lectures. As per usual......

"Erwin honey, I expect more of you, You don't let a loss go so easily. Your being ignorant and not helping your teammates, this isn't good for our name and your image. This makes you look more weaker, do you want the other students looking down on you? their student council president?" I spoke up "mother I'm trying really, it was one loss it'll be alr-" "DID I SAY YOU CAN INTERRUPT ME?" she yelled back. I flinched a bit at the sudden outburst "No ma'am....I apologize" She sighed "good, now remember interrupting your elders is a sign of disrespect I don't want you being like that Ackerman boy, such a pity he's probably a disgrace to his whole family. " It was a small village and word gets around easily. The news about Isabel's suicide spread around like wild fire and my mother looks down at the Ackerman's ever since. Thinking they're disgusting creatures. That brought me back to the conversation in the bathroom once again. 

"Mother you can't just assume that the death of Isabel was because of Levi's abuse. What is he didn't do anything at all?" She clicked her tongue in response and rolled her eyes "as if I'd believe such nonsense" she said standing and walking over to me. She kissed my cheek "good night darling, I'll be heading to bed now. Do not stay up to late and don't forget to do your homework as usual" she smiled and brought her plate to the sink washing it quickly before walking up the stairs and leaving to bed. I sighed finishing up my plate and placing it in the sink washing it up as well. I walked up stairs to take a short shower as my thoughts ran through my mind. 'I'm afraid something bad will happen between me and Ackerman tomorrow. I hope he doesn't get as fussy as he was earlier today' I sighed.

I went back to my room changing into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I sat at my desk with my towel around my neck and doing my homework. I finished around midnight and immediately went to bed knocking out straight away. I'll see how tomorrow will go once I wake up. Lets just hope nothing goes wrong and I'll be able to try and achieve the impossible. Becoming Ackerman's new friend or at the least acquaintance. 

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