Chapter 11 (Levi's POV)

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He held my hand and started to pull me towards the boba shop. I blushed on how he did it so casually. Once we arrived at the boba shop though he let go of my hand and opened the door for me. I walked in and looked around, the place was so clean and bright since the windows were huge and they let in the sun. I looked at the huge menu near the cashier. "Welcome! what can I get for you today" The cashier smiled. Erwin stepped in "I'll get one blueberry milk tea with tapioca please and a red bean takoyaki as well." he said, the cashier placing in his order. "will that be all?" the cashier asked. Erwin looked down at me "oh um, I'll get thai tea milk tea with tapioca then..." I said picking the most appealing name and just chose it. The cashier nodded saying the total as Erwin paid for us.

"I can pay for myself eyebrows" He just shrugged  "I know but I want to pay, whats the problem in that?" he chuckled. I shook my head " never mind" I said as the cashier came up with our orders. Erwin gave my drink and straw. I poked the straw through the plastic and took a sip "how is it?" he asked me. It was honestly  really good "I like it, it's really good" I smiled a bit and took another sip. He chuckled a bit and took a sip of his drink "good, I wanted that reaction" he said and bit into the takoyaki. He tore a piece out offering me some " try some, it's really good" he said. I took it and looked at it cocking a brow "what is it again?" 

"red bean takoyaki, it's red bean flavored ice cream inside of a dough cover. I have no idea why they make it a fish pattern but they do" He chuckled. I took a small bite and to my surprise it was really good " oh wow" he nodded "yeah it's one of my favorite sweets" He smiled biting another huge piece. I ate the rest of my piece and sipped a bit of the boba. "you got good taste " I chuckled, he shrugged " I actually heard of this stuff from Hange, but the blueberry was my decision " He laughed. " YOU! gotta chill on all the blueberry flavored everything!" I said as he rolled his eyes and smirked "yeah but then again you have a problem with black tea as well so you shouldn't be talking"

I paused and struggled to say something back "I- uh- shut up eyebrows!" I yelled as he burst into laughter. I sighed as we walked over to the park for the rest of lunch just walking around " your still up for Friday correct?" Erwin asked me. I was a bit confused on what he meant but then realized. I nodded "Yeah, I don't have any plans really so why not" He nodded. "don't tell me there's some shit like a blueberry field there, I'm not gonna be a damn farmer and pick berries Eyebrows" I groaned jokingly. He whipped his head around "Hey! Stop being mean to me! blueberries are amazing!" he said as I chuckled " Your so weird " I said. 

He nudged me a bit " whatever, says the emo kid who's walking right next to me" I glared at him "I'm not a damn emo! you fucking country boy!" I yelled at him. He tried his best to hold back a laugh but it failed miserably as he ended up bursting into laughter. I rolled my eyes smiling a bit and snickering as well. 

We walked around the city once again for lunch and it was fun for the most part to be quite honest. Until I passed by my old house, it has a new family living there now but it brought back pretty bad memories. I frowned softly but just decided to ignore it as I looked  forward, that was the past and this is now, even though life is still shitty it decided to give me a break. Now I have Erwin by my side though hes just a friend but it's honestly better than nothing really.

"Levi? you alright?" He had asked. I looked up at him "Hm? yeah yeah I'm fine, just zoned out a bit" I said but he didn't seem sure " are you sure?" he asked as I nodded a bit. 

We continued walking around for a bit " Hey Levi, I'm still hungry" he chuckled as I looked up and around "there's tacos if you want" I said pointing at a Mexican restaurant. He looked behind him and nodded "yeah lets go" He said grabbing my hand and dragging me alongside him. He did it so casually and it made me blush a bit 

Once he ordered his food he smiled as we walked out and he started eating his food right away "do you ever get full?" I asked. He swallowed his food and chuckled a bit " what kind of question is that?" He asked me "of course I do, I guess you get full to easily and that's why your so short" He snickered as I punched his arm "ow! no need for violence!" He said laughing " shut up eyebrows! for your information I am a average in height! your just a fucking giant!" I yelled as he snickered "an average for a seventh grader " He chuckled again as I huffed "piece of shit  blonde"  I sneered. He just ended up bursting out laughing.

After lunch we walked to science class and I got off vibes, I looked around seeing that Nile kid glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and I just sat down and ignore the other, he wasn't worth my time so why would I give him the attentio. I had to sit in my seat and take out my notebook for class.

After that whole lecture about the human anatomy everyone stood up and started getting ready to leave. As I turned to look at Erwin, I looked at his eyes again with the same icy blue..... they were like gems. He stood up as I broke out of my daze and looked around "see ya later eyebrows" I said waving as he smiled and waved back at me before I walked out.

After school I started to walk out the school only to be grabbed my collar and pulled to the back of the school and slammed against the wall. I groaned a bit at impact from my head hitting the wall. I rubbed the back of my head and looked up yelling "HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLE-" I paused when I saw it was the Nile kid " what do you want..." I calmed down a bit with anger still in my voice.

" I want you to back off my friend Ackerman! I know if you keep hanging around him he'll turn out to be exactly like that other girl! dead by your damn hands!.........."

And the Rumors (Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now