Chapter 29 (Mixed POV)

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Mike's POV

Me, Moblit and Nanaba had been waiting for Hange and Levi to arrive for 30 minutes now. Nanaba sighed annoyed " where are they?" she scoffed as I chuckled " Hange's probably annoying Levi with all her fangirling" Moblit said before I nodded agreeing " yeah, I have Levi in almost all my classes and he's usually always on time, it's weird to see him absent or late" I said to them as they nodded. "Now that you mention mention it you are right, him and Erwin are both always on time" Nanaba said. Right when she did though Levi and Hange appeared. More like Levi appeared dragging Hange along. 

"LEVIIII! I SAID I'M SORRY LET ME GOOO!" she whined. We all starred at the two with confused looks as we tilted our heads. "what's going on?" Nanaba asked as Levi sighed and through Hange in front of him "owwww Leviii " She groaned as Moblit walked over helping her up "are you okay Hange-san?" he said a bit concerned. Levi rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue "mhm, of course you aren't  in love you fucking four eyes" Levi said as Hange blushed attempting to kick him but he caught her leg " LEVI!" she yelled blushing hard. I realized what Levi meant by that and I just chuckled a bit. " whatever lets go already, I'm starving." Levi said. He looked tired and a bit thin. More thin than before, I decided to leave it alone since we were about to go eat but I was a bit concerned for him. Oh, wait- awwww is he like this because he misses his boyfrieeeeendd? It's a bad thing to be in this shape but I still think it's cute that he misses Erwin this much. 

The walk there it was Levi being pestered by Hange about Erwin and Levi being a flustered mess tell her to and I quote "fuck off four eyes" I just laughed at the two as we all continued walking to the restaurant. Once arriving though Levi sat down and seemed a bit bothered. While the other three were chatting and Levi was in his own world I leaned in a bit whispering to him " Yo, Levi, you okay man?" I asked him. He glanced over at me before sighing softly " it's just.... it feels weird going out for lunch without Erwin" he said. I smiled softly thinking that the two were really just soul mates at this point. " So are you annoyed about it?" I asked chuckling a bit.

Levi kicked my leg " shut it you big ass tree" He said. His kicks actually hurt for such a small guy. I rubbed leg "ow! that hurt! what, are you embarrassed to admit your thinking of your boyfriend 24/7?" I said chuckling as Levi blushed " go away fucking giant " "I'm not that tall" "yes you are shut the fuck up" he replied as I laughed. I know he doesn't mean to be but Levi is fucking hilarious. He just ignored me and grabbed the menu and looked through it as we were all doing the same. Well more like I did the same, the other three already got their orders picked out. 

I decided it was fun teasing the other about Erwin and all so I smirked and looked over at him as he looked up cocking a brow "what?" He said as I chuckled " you know, Erwin loves the cheeseburgers here with the vanilla milk shake " I said as Levi groaned "could you stop!" he yelled which made me die laughing. He just ignored me til my laughing died down. I sighed regaining my breathe before looking back at him. He looked at me annoyed " I swear if you say one more dumb ass thing I'll fucking kill you" he said. I shook my head " no, no, I'll stop, I'll stop." I said putting my hands up in defense. "but I do have a question for you though" I said looking at him as he cocked a brow once more "which is?" he asked.

"why did you agree to hang out with us today?" I asked him. He paused thinking for a moment "to be honest.....I don't know... " He said. I smiled " are we your friends Leviiiii~" I mocked as Hange seemed to hear and leaned in " yeahhhh~ are we your friends nowwww~ or are you just trying to make your future husband happyyyy~"   Hange mocked him. He grew red again and pushed her away " get away from me four eyes!" he yelled as we all chuckled. Levi and Erwin made the best pair and we honestly loved the two's chemistry a little to much.

Ten minutes later after ordering we all got our food and begun eating, I got a burger with large fries and chocolate shake. Levi got a steak with fries and soda. I'm sure he was trying his best to avoid the cheeseburger and vanilla shake so we wouldn't make fun of him. We didn't tell him but, Erwin was arriving today. He's actually already here and unpacking at home. We just invited Levi out so we could see his reaction when he sees Erwin. Regardless Levi was actually cool to hang out with but I don't mean to be rude. But what did Erwin mean when he talked about how bad ass Levi is? I guess I'm just judging by appearance but hes so small. Compared to those three huge football players he took down I wonder how he did it. I'd like to see that one day not gonna lie. That'd be pretty fucking cool. 

Erwin talks.... so much about Levi. Even before the two ever really started interacting. He's only ever said good things about the other. I think we all knew about Erwin's little crush on Levi for a while now. But it isn't like we were annoyed, actually we kind of were. We kept teasing Erwin about his feelings for Levi but he always seemed  to disagree saying "No! I don't! we're just friends!!" And being all stubborn. While we were finishing up when eating and cleaned up we decided to go to the park where we usually hang out and invite Levi this time. He looked like he didn't want to go but we forced him like a bunch of little kids. 

Once we arrived to the park shortly after and we just were vibing the whole time. We made some jokes about Levi and Erwin as he hit us. We all laughed and complained about classes coming up and shit and Levi seemed to even join the conversations even though at first he just looked annoyed the whole time. But in the end it was worth inviting him because what we didn't tell him is that Erwin was coming today. Actually we invited Erwin to the park without telling him that Levi was joining us. 

So when 7:30 PM exactly hit. We heard foot steps as all our heads turned in the same direction. 

Levi's POV

" guess who's ungrounded guys" Eyebrows said rubbing the back of his neck. My eyes widened seeing Eyebrows "Erwin?" I said softly. Is it really him?! after a whole 2 months?!.....

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