Chapter 6 (Erwin's POV)

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 The next day I drove to school and parked in the parking lot. I exited the car grabbing my things and entered through the doors. I greeted the teachers that I passed by. I walked to my locker and begun putting my belongings away until I felt a tap on my arm. I looked up and noticed no one was there. I cocked a brow til I heard a cough " down here eyebrows" I looked down to see Levi. I covered my mouth to hold in a laugh "hey! don't fucking laugh at me jack ass!" He retorted, I can tell he was embarrassed. " I'm sorry I'm sorry Levi" I chuckled. "well, what's up? Is there something you needed?" I asked.

 He opened his bag and took out the umbrella I gave him yesterday. He passed it to me " I wanted to give this back and say thank you for yesterday...." I blinked a bit surprised that he actually thanked me. I smiled and took back the umbrella " no problem " I looked at it for a moment before giving it back "Actually just keep it if you need it" He hesitated to take it back from my hands "are you sure eyebrows? " I nodded smiling softly "yep, no worries"  I saw him look at the umbrella and smile softly before it quickly disappeared. He then looked up at me "thanks eyebrows" I gave him a small smile " no problem Levi" I said closing my locker " What class you going to next?" I asked the other starting to walk off "home ec." I nodded "Hey, you mind if we hang out during today?" I asked figuring out the answer would be no but instead he clicked his tongue "tch, whatever I don't care" he said. I smiled widely " great! well I'm off to math. See you then" I smiled before walking off.

Math class wasn't as great as it usually was, the substitute  yelling at everyone as I tried to stop the commotion from getting any worse  but instead I just got other students telling me to shut the fuck up. I sighed and yelled loudly "EXCUSE ME! SOME OF US ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO GET AN EDUCATION! CAN YOU PLEASE QUIET DOWN!" that seemed to silence the classroom. I sighed and sat down facing the front of the class as the teacher hesitated to continue the lesson before thanking me after class. 

As a few more classes passed by and eventually lunch had came by. Classes were hard as usual and some had a bunch of yelling the whole time through out classes. It honestly sucked at some points but I had to deal and push through all the commotion. I had practically forgotten about lunch with Levi until I saw him leave a class room. I smiled softly and walked up to him "hey, hows class?" I asked as he glanced up at me. I expected to roll his eyes or something but instead he answered calmly " it was boring as usual, Nothing except the teacher talking about her home life the whole time. It gets irritating when she starts talking about her children " he sighed as I chuckled a bit " yeah class wasn't great for me either. Everyone kept screaming in my ear as the substitute kept shaking in fear the whole time"

He cocked a brow " really? sounds kind of pathetic to be honest" I just shrugged " he's only staying the teacher for a day only so it isn't much to care about really" I responded. "So are you leaving school for lunch? I see you do that a lot" I asked.  "yeah, I just walk around town, sometimes if I'm in the mood I'd get tea" I cocked a brow "You don't eat during lunch? " he just shook his head " I'm never really hungry during  lunch" he responded. I smiled a bit " well then since I'm having lunch with you today we're going out to eat" he didn't respond for a moment "I don't exactly have any money to buy any food" I just huffed "so?" I questioned

"hey, eyebrows listen if your going to eat I'm not gonna sit there and watch you chow down, I suggest you don't complain or-" I interrupted him before he could continue speaking  "that isn't what I meant Levi, I'll pay for you don't worry" I smiled as we exited the building. "you don't have to do that eyebrows. We just met and we aren't even friends. Why would you pay for me?" he questioned. I frowned a bit before shaking my head " well I consider you a friend Levi, you look a bit malnourished so it's best if we get some food into your system" I glanced at him. I saw how he blushed a bit embarrassed before looking down "sh-shut up eyebrows" I just chuckled a bit " sorry if I embarrassed you" He just clicked his tongue looking away. I elbowed him "aww, come on don't do that."

"leave me alone eyebrows, I'm regretting allowing you to hang out with me" he responded which made me chuckle a bit. We walked a bit in silence before I decided to ask a risky question "why is it that you don't want to be my friend?" I asked. He didn't reply for a moment but then he begun to speak "because, everyone is the same" I cocked a brow at that response " what do you mean by that?" I could tell he hesitated to speak but then he did "everyone thinks I'm a jack ass who had pushed Isabel to her suicide when really that wasn't the case at all." I saw how he looked at his feet while beginning to walk and how he put his hands in his pockets.

I just sighed " It's all rumors then?" He looked away clicking his tongue as he seemed to get annoyed " of course they are... what you believe those lies? if I actually pushed her to her suicide I wouldn't be mourning her death everyday...." I frowned a bit "I don't believe them, I just grew weary of you was all. You don't seem to have the best reputation but talking with you now I can see that isn't the case. I am sorry for your loss though , it seems as if you two were close. " He didn't reply, instead he just nodded a bit. " I've dealt with a death before as well, my father used to teach at my middle school before he was brutally murdered one Sunday night, it probably doesn't mean much but it's best to look past deaths. If you let a death or a unfortunate event weigh you down you won't be bothered to make it through life. Instead you should over come a tragedy and continue on moving forward without looking back."

He looked forward instead of looking down " thank you Erwin, I guess your right" He smiled softly. I smiled as well and elbowed him "you just called me by my first name instead of that dumb nickname" I smiled. He rolled his eyes " keep elbowing me eyebrows and I swear I'll kick your ass " I just chuckled rolling my eyes "you act as if your gonna do anything to your only friend" I wiggled my eyebrows. He kicked my leg "you aren't my friend jack ass!"

I just laughed "you can't get rid of me that easily Levi, I'm loyal to my friends and I stick to them like glue. Your gonna have a hard time get rid of me!"

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