Chapter 21(Erwin's POV)

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 I slowly walked into the room, my eyes glued to Levi. He was passed out of course but when I got closer I covered my mouth. He was so pale, to pale. He had a bunch of wires connecting to him and bandages around his chest and arm. I wonder what happened..... how did Levi get caught up in this mess?... 

I sighed as I pulled a seat next to him and sat down, I looked over at Levi's calm sleeping face. His eye bags showed still, he mentioned something about him having insomnia and it being a huge problem for him. I smiled remembering one time, to be honest I remember it being really adorable in my opinion.

Levi had been overworked with projects one week and had been stumbling a bit that morning. I was a bit concerned that he was going to pass out half way through the day. Once lunch came around I was walking out of my classroom scrolling threw my social media while I was walking to the back to see Levi. I looked around to see him laying on the ground unconscious on the ground. My eyes widened as I ran towards him "Levi?!" I asked kneeling down before lifting him up slightly, he was dead asleep. I sighed in relief knowing he was just asleep. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to a small park, I laid him down on a bench and rested him against my shoulder as I took off my jacket wrapping it around him. 

He unconsciously snuggled in closer to me, to be honest it was adorable to me, His calm facial expressions and seeing how he smaller than me. I blushed a bit looking away as I slowly wrapped an arm around him pulling him a bit closer. I noticed he smelt really good? like the smell of tea. It was kind of strong yet comforting in a way. 

I think we spent a whole two hours in that park skipping 6th and 7th period, I didn't mind it though. Levi needed this rest, I just loved how he fit so perfectly in my arm. After a while though, he eventually woke up. He moved slightly around a bit before opening his eyes slowly. I think he first noticed the jacket as he looked at it for a moment before pulling it over his head to block out the sunlight. I stared at him as my heart squeezed tightly, how the fuck can such a bad ass be so fucking adorable? "Hey, you finally awake emo boy?" I asked chuckling a bit at the nick name.

He groaned "Fuck you eyebrows" He said sitting up. "Your jacket smells like cologne..." he then said. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked as he pulled the jacket off his head. He was still wearing it though, he shook his head "no... it just smells really nice" He said making me smile softly. "alright then, good, I'm happy you like it" I responded. "so,do you want to go to 8th period now?" I asked as he shook his head "I'm honestly to tired to care at this point" He spoke before yawning. I smiled at his kitten like yawn. He looked back at me before cocking a brow "what's got you all smiley?" He asked before I shook my head "oh, it's nothing so don't worry about it" I responded.

We ended up going out to eat since we both skipped lunch. Then eventually we parted ways as he went to his apartment and I went back to my home. I did wish we could stay and hang out a bit longer but seeing how tired he was I knew he needed some rest, so I let him be. I walked the rest of the way home without my jacket. For some reason Levi was persistent on keeping the jacket, I didn't exactly care about him taking it since I had a bunch of other ones at home but the reason why was so persistent was because he said "it's comforting to me.." so I guess I just let him keep it.

I just let it be and walked the rest of the way home.

But end of that flash back, I looked at the now unconscious Levi Ackerman in front of me and seeing him asleep like this just....wasn't the same as before.... this time he looks much more paler and in pain. I lifted my hand hesitantly to brush him bangs back a bit from his face and cupped his cheek caressing it with my thumb. "please Levi..... don't die on me" I smiled softly....a weak pitiful smile that only appears when a person is at such a low state where they have to fake their happiness to ignore their pain... I didn't often feel this type of way but I did once... when my father died. I faked a smile the next day... and the next...and the next. But that fake smile turned real when I met Levi and we started becoming closer... I guess he just has that effect on me.

I brushed a finger over his lip, I hesitated knowing it was wrong but.... I leaned over before stopping myself shaking my head. I let go of his cheek and sighed looking down. This is wrong..... I can't do that. I grabbed the other's hand and held it in my own. I smiled at the fact that his hand fit perfectly in my own.... It was reassuring to me knowing his heart was still beating, he was still breathing and that his hand was in my own. It was a reassurance to know he wasn't dead or lost somewhere. I don't think I could handle that....

I soon had to go back home even though it was hard parting from his unconscious body  but I needed to. I eventually made it to hear my mother screaming like a maniac "YOU ASS HOLE! I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ACKERMAN! CAN'T YOU JUST RESPECT MY WISHES FOR ONE GOD DAMN FUCKING MINUTE! YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR MOTHER! I SWEAR IF YOU GET SHOT AND KILLED LIKE THAT BOY DON'T EXPECT ME TO COME TO YOUR FUCKING FUNERAL OR EVEN PAY FOR IT YOU DISGRACE! I'LL ASK THEM TO JUST THROW YOU IN A TRASH CAN AND LEAVE YOU BE! JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU RIGHT NOW!" I stared at her for a moment before sighing and bowing " yes ma'am" I said before taking my things to my room. Apparently she had gotten a call from the school talking about my absence from the middle of the day. She got worried and called Hange about the situation.

Hange doesn't know about my mother's hatred for Ackerman's. So it isn't her fault so I don't blame her, I just think it's embarrassing that my mom calls her about me..... whatever, it isn't going to  stop me from visiting Levi.

I went to his hospital room everyday for a whole week only to find him unconscious as I held his hand until  8 pm where I'd go home and get slapped across the face and get yelled at over and over again.  But honestly I could really care less. I just needed to stay by Levi to check on him. I'd been through numerous night's without rest because of Levi, my mind ran around the other male day and night, he was all I cared about and to see him like this... it just hurt me to much.....The next day I went to his hospital room and there he was.... 

He was awake sitting up on the bed. I opened the door as he looked up at me......"Hey Eyebrows...." He greeted as I fell speechless. 

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