Chapter 17 (Hange's POV)

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GAH! finally! Saturday morning! I stood up yawning still a bit tired from waking up as I checked my phone. I got a couple texts from a separate group chat from Nanaba, Me, Moblit and Mike. We had this group chat with out Erwin because we used the group chat specifically to make up plans to get Erwin and Levi together! I got a face time call from the group as I took my headphones and answered "yo" mike said as Moblit and Nanaba answered as well smiling and us greeting each other. I smiled since everyone was on call "alright! whats the plan?!" I said they thought for a moment as Moblit went on paused. Mike had an idea "paint ball tournament?" he suggested. Nanaba sighed shaking her head "that isn't romantic!" she said. "You got any idea's then?" he asked as she thought for a moment before sighing "No..." I chuckled at how silly they were. "hey guys! I have an idea!" Moblit said as he went on paused. We all cocked a brow wondering what he was doing until we all got a message from the group chat "there's a carnival coming up! we should get them on a Ferris wheel when the fireworks come up! " All of our faces lit up " GENIUS!" I yelled out giggling. Nanaba and Mike nodded as Mike spoke " nice one Moblit!" he said as Moblit rubbed the back of his neck "thanks guys, we should get this to happen in two days or the carnival will close down!" he said. We nodded "alright, everyone. Mission Ferris Wheel is a go!" I said. Nanaba sighed "you couldn't think of a better name Hange?" she said. I just shrugged "like it matters " She shrugged as well as we all left the call. They put me in charge of informing Erwin about the carnival.

I called him on the cell phone and put the mic up to my mouth as the phone begun to ring. I eventually heard Erwin pick up as I smiled ready to tease him about his little crush on Ackerman~

Erwin: "Hange? what's up?"

Hange: "Heyyyyyyyy lover boyyyyy~"

Erwin: "...."

yeah he hung up on me of course. I sighed as I sent the carnival info to him. ' hey listen! I'm joking don't be so sensitive! ANYWAYYYSSS SOOOOO carnival? Me, Moblit, Nanaba and Mike are planning on going! you in?! on Sunday Tomorrow!' I texted him

About 5 minutes later I got a reply from him 'I guess I'm not busy tomorrow, how long are we staying there for?' he asked. ' from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm!' I responded as quickly as possible.

he responded with a 'alright, where do we meet up?' He asked. ' at the carnival, front gates' I responded. He sent a 'alright I'll see you then' and that's how the conversation ended.

Now all we needed to do now was get Ackerman's number..... I quickly went to the group chat texting them. ' anyone got Levi's number?' I asked as everyone responded with a no. Damn I knew that Ackerman kid was a loner but did he seriously have no friends? I feel bad for the guy sometimes like how does he get by? whatever I gotta invite him to the carnival tomorrow regardless. I eventually got to social media accounts and realized something. I went to Erwin's instagram account and saw his latest post which was around 2 months ago, it was him and Levi going to a doughnut shop and he took a picture of Levi drinking a coffee and looking at the camera. I slid to the next slide and saw Erwin resting his chin on top of Levi's head and Levi trying to shoe him away. I smiled seeing as they were adorable but fucking dense, It was so embarrassing.

I saw he had tagged Levi in the post and I pressed his page and he had around 3 followers only. I pressed the followers section to see who followed the Ackerman kid and one of them was Erwin's account. The other was a girl who went by the name Isabel in her bio and a boy named Farlan which was also in his bio. Ackerman's account had no posts and no profile pic. Erwin had like 10 posts but 2k followers, that Farlan boy was a photographer with 10k followers and Isabel was a blogger with 8k followers. Total opposites from Ackerman. But the last thing the girl posted was around 2 years ago and the boys was 4 years ago...... I heard they were both dead and it was Ackerman's fault but I don't know if that was really the case.

I just sighed and followed him and went to his dm's-

'Hey! Levi Ackerman right? I'm Hange Zoe! remember me from science class? I'm Erwin's friend! please reply when you can!' I sent posting a picture of me holding a peace sign.

Around 2 hours later I got a notification and I dropped everything and went to my phone. It was a response! finally!

' hello? what do you want?' He replied. Though rude I understood the response it was a bit weird to show up out of no where and speak to him.

'Me and my friends are going to a carnival tomorrow and we want to invite you! pleeeasssseee come with us! it'll be fun I swear!'

He responded fast surprisingly ' I'm a bit busy tomorrow I can't go' I sighed and replied back 'Awww but Erwin would be sad :(' I replied. He took around ten minutes to reply but eventually he did 'fine.... I'll come.... what time?' he asked as I relayed the details to him and eventually he accepted my offer. I told the group I managed to get Levi to join in and they all became happy. Now it's just time for us to wait til tomorrow... then we will see what happens..

hours on end went by as I waited impatiently, I just wanted my ship to sail! that's all I ask! I eventually rested my head against the pillow and closed my eyes awaiting the next day....

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