Chapter 23 (Mixed POV's)

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Erwin's POV

Everyday for the rest of the time Levi was in the hospital I visited. Every, single, day. I brought him some takeout once in a while. Obviously I asked before inviting them, but I would also invite Hange, Mike, Moblit and Nanaba. They all got along well , but every time I left with them Hange and Mike would always elbow me and call me 'Lover boy' I'd always blush in embarrassment afterwards as always.

But a week later when Levi was allowed to be released and come back to school, I had to help him get around a bit but he kept refusing my help, I would always notice that whenever he had to much weight on his back and refused my help he always looked in pain but tried to cover it up. I felt bad for him but he kept on refusing me every single time. I eventually gave up. Once things were getting back into routine I waited for Levi by the door as I was scrolling through my phone. "Hey Eyebrows" Levi greeted. I looked up and smiled softly "Hey emo boy, ready to go?" I asked as his facial expression changed into an annoyed one. "Shut the fuck up Eyebrows!" He sneered at me.

I chuckled a bit " Don't be like that shorty, Let's go I want to try that new Ramen place down the block. " I said walking out the doors, I kept one open for him as he walked outside as well. We walked side by side with each other and as we were walking in comfortable silence Levi asked me a question.

Levi's POV

"Hey Eyebrows....... we're still gonna hang out after high school is over right?" I asked him. He paused as I glanced over to see him look at me with the biggest smile "Of course, whenever I'm not busy I'll be sure to contact you 100%" He said. I blushed a bit at his smile, it always seemed to put what is it again?.... butterflies in my stomach..... "So it's a promise then?" I asked as he nodded "I promise" He said. While we were walking in silence I attempted to muster up the courage and grab and reach out to grab his hand before I felt a hand latch onto mine. I looked down at my hand to see Erwin holding mine. I blushed as I looked up at him to see he had a small smile and was staring forward.

I smiled softly and continued on walking as well. His hand fit perfectly in my own. Once we arrived to the Ramen place I blushed, I looked at Erwin since I didn't really know if he wanted to go in or not still holding my hand. But he eventually let go to open the door for me. I entered in as I walked up to the cashier. The man in the smiled "Are you staying in to dine in or to go?" He asked me. I didn't know what to say so I looked at Erwin as he said "Dine in please" he said as the cashier nodded "well sit anywhere you'd like" He said as we nodded and left.

We sat down in a booth as a waiter came up to us and put our menu's down as he smiled "We'll get you two lover birds waters in a bit. " He said as me a Erwin blushed and looked at each other "Oh no, we're not-" Erwin started as the waiter already had left. I looked down at the menu opening it. I looked through trying to calm down my blush and after a while I asked " You figured out what you wanna get yet?"  I asked as he nodded " Probably chicken Ramen with boiled egg" He said as I nodded "how about you?" He asked "Probably Yaki-soba with chicken and a coke " I said. 

Soon later the waiter came back with a notepad "you two figure out what you'd want?" He asked smiling. "May I get a Sprite with Chicken Ramen with a boiled egg? " Erwin asked as the waiter nodded and looked at me "How about you?" He asked "Yaki-soba with chicken and a coke " I said as he wrote down my order as well "alright then, your orders should be ready in 10 to 15 minutes." He said walking off.

I looked up at Erwin when he was speaking "You know Levi, School was kind of depressing without you there" He said looking down at the table. I looked at him and cocked a brow "Really? That's new?" I said chuckling a bit. He looked a bit serious this time " no seriously, I was really stressful you know... I was really worried about you you know..." He said. I blushed and looked away "s-shut up, Eyebrows" I said as he looked up and chuckling "I said shut up!" I yelled a little louder as he laughed a bit more "alright alright, I'm sorry for embarrassing you" He said

I just sighed and rolled my eyes as the waiter came back with our drinks "one sprite and one coke" he said putting them down and left once again. We took our drinks and and straws and started talking again "Hey it's almost summer break, you want to maybe hang out then? " Erwin asked as I thought about it and nodded. It isn't like I had anything else to do "Me, Hange, Nanaba, Moblit and Mike plan on going to the beach next when summer break finishes. You in?" He asked once again. I nodded once again "sounds fun, I guess I'll come" I said as Erwin continued to talk about it. 

" we're gonna go surfing, do you have a surf board?"  He asked as I shook my head "do you know how to surf?" He asked once more as I shook my my head again. "I'll teach you then!" He said with a smile. "in the end we usually do a huge bomb fire and barbecue. Mike usually grills while we all have a sand building contest, it's a lot of fun" He said with a huge smile. The way he was describing it, it must sound fun then. "do you think I'm allowed to come? I don't want to break a tradition or anything" I said as Erwin shook his head "It was Mike's and Hange's idea to invite you. Even though you always act so grumpy they think your cool to hang out with" He said. I was a bit surprised, No body aside from Farlan and Isabel really wanted to be my friend before so this was new. I nodded and smiled softly "It sounds like fun, I'll be there then" I said as he smiled widely "great"

The waiter eventually came with our food and we started to eat. It was a lot of food, I didn't expect it to be so much but I hate wasting so I forced myself to eat it all even though it took a while. Erwin finished it in like 15 minutes though, He seemed to enjoy it a lot. When our checks came in I paid this time "Levi, I can pay it's fine" Erwin said. Even though with the money I'm paying with was the money I needed to buy food I refused to let him pay. He paid for me so many times and every time I felt so guilty "no, it's alright! let's just go" I said as he sighed giving up and getting up.

We both left to get back to school for the rest of the day as per usual but when I got back home and took off my jacket I noticed a fifty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill together. I paid that same amount for the food in the Ramen shop. I sighed "that asshole" I said smiling softly.

Sometimes Erwin could be such a loser...but in a cute way........

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