Chapter 20 (Erwin's POV)

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The next morning I woke up not really in the mood to go to school, I stared at the ceiling for about an hour before gathering the will to just sit up. Once I started to get ready I looked in the mirror "I'm getting upset over a loner... a short ass emo boy... god and I did all that shit for him for no reason at all" I groaned. Why was I getting mad at him, maybe it's because I know I still like him.... whatever I should just get ready for school. I got up and started to get ready for school.

I wore the usual outfit and fixed up my hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes before walking out the door. I decided a walk to school would be better than driving to school. I looked over to the side seeing a park right next to me. My eyes widened a bit seeing a huge blood stain that was dried up staining the side walk and all around the park was blocked with caution tape. I looked away and continued walking away. I pray for the person who's blood was on the floor. It brought me back immediately to the time where my dad had been murdered. I shook my head ignoring the thought.

Once I arrived to school I entered through the doors and noticed it was more silent than usual. It wasn't completely quiet obviously but it was somewhat quiet. I looked around searching for my locker and put my things away getting ready for my next class.

It felt weird to go through the day without talking to Levi let alone greeting him. I was way to embarrassed to do so. I guess my pride just didn't let me. But maybe I should just apologize to him seeing as though I did try to pull a dumb move like that....whatever

Eventually lunch arrived and I waited outside for 20 minutes but Levi never arrived....did......did he really stand me up because of yesterday..... was I that dumb? did he really hate me that much? I sighed and went back inside and went into the cafeteria and walked up to my old table. "Hey Erwin, how are you hold'n up?" Hange asked. I smiled softly at her concern "I'm alright Hange no need to worry. " I replied. I didn't have any lunch today, I just didn't have an appetite, My mind was clouded with the thought of Levi being disgusted of me. Was what I did really that bad?

Mike apparently noticed the state I was in and he sighed "Hey Erwin, your not fine. What's up?" He asked as the table went a bit quiet to listen in. I hesitated before speaking " I don't know...... I think what I did yesterday on the Ferris wheel wasn't that bad but I haven't seen Levi at all today... I wonder if he's been avoiding me..." I said. Everyone frowned, they're pitying me. I got to make it stop. I shook my head "Never mind that, how was everyone's day yesterday?" I asked. They noticed me not wanting to talk about it but they smiled softly "it was really fun, Moblit threw up on the superman ride" Hange mocked as everyone laughed. Moblit blushed hard "HANGE! " he yelled which made us laugh even more.

"Nanaba almost fell into the fish pond " Mike said as she punched his arm. "ow!" He said rubbing his arm laughing a bit. I smiled, it seemed like everyone had fun yesterday, I had to admit that it really was an amazing time yesterday. I wish I can replay those moments again. After lunch was 6th Levi sat next to me in that class.... shit...

I took a deep breath entering the class and taking my seat..... Levi never showed up that day...where could he be? to be honest 6th period was, annoying. I guess I was just annoyed at the fact I didn't have the shorter male next to me....

I walked home after school with the raven haired male on my mind all day. I couldn't get him out of my head god damn it.

The next day and the day after was the exact same thing... no Levi, I sighed getting annoyed at this and texted him myself 'Hey Levi, where are you? you can't be skipping school like this' I frowned and sent him.

I was already walking to school by then and passed by the park as I usually did, I felt sick every time I saw that blood stain, It sent shivers down my spine. I sighed and just continued walking towards the school. Once I arrived and walked through the doors I saw Hange talking to Mr. Pixis, I cocked a brow when seeing her frozen up with her eyes widened. I looked at Mr. Pixis who had a sad and guilty expression on his face. He said something else before walking back into his office. I saw her slowly putting her head down as she stayed in place. My eyebrows furrowed before I walked up to her "Hange? Are you okay?" She jumped a bit before I saw her tearing up and shaking her head before walking away. She lifted her glasses to wipe the incoming tears as I felt a bit worried, what's wrong with her? is she okay?

I checked the messages I sent Levi and they were all left on delivered. Has he been ignoring me? what the hell is wrong?! was what I did that bad! no.. Levi wouldn't just ignore me like this. He told me he always checked his notifications because it ticked him off seeing the red boxes with numbers on the corner of the apps. He said it was something dealing with his O.C.D. Something's wrong, I know something is very wrong.... I need to ignore it for now, I 'm in school right now.

All throughout 1st-4th period, my mind only ran around Levi. What happened to him? is he okay? then lunch time came around... I walked inside the cafeteria and sat down at the lunch table "hey guys" I greeted my friends with a smile. They frowned before Mike turned to Hange, "does he know?" he asked as Hange shook her head. "Do I know what? " I asked cocking a brow. Moblit bit his lip before sighing as he looked around seeing who was going to say it "can you guys please just say it?" I asked getting curios. Mike paused before speaking "have you seriously not heard what happened to Ackerman?" I paused for a moment before my heart dropped "what happened?!" I asked eagerly, I needed an answer! I knew something bad happened! how bad was it?! " he was shot twice by Trost Park... he's in the hospital because of the excessive bleeding, they're saying he might not be able to make it but they aren't for sure...." Mike said.

My heart stopped, I felt like I was going to be sick, I sat there shaking my head laughing a bit "no Mike, tell me the truth you can't be serious right? right guys?" I looked at them as they just looked down rubbing their arm's. I sat there for a moment looking at my hands before I went. I got up quickly and ran out of the cafeteria quickly. "ERWIN!" they all yelled, I almost fell while slamming the cafeteria door's open. I never ran so fast in my life, I mainly played football so running was a daily thing I did. I usually would run like a mile in 4 minutes but this time I just ran without keeping pace of my breathing.

I couldn't stop, but I stopped by Trost park, I looked at the blood stain with a different look to it, I just felt more pain when looking at it. I bit my lip as I felt tears going to appear. This can't be real... It just can't... I continued running until eventually I made it to the hospital. I opened the door panting a bit as I walked up to the receptionist . "sir, are you o-" I cut the woman off "where's Levi Ackerman? what room is he in?" I asked. "He should be in room 34, it's on the second floor" she said. "Thank you" I said before running off "PLEASE WALK SIR!" she yelled. I nodded and slowed my pacing.

The whole run here felt like an eternity and even to his room was taking forever. My heart just raced. How could I not notice that this is what had been happening? God I hate myself... I can't believe I was hating him for not responding.... I can't believe myself. I eventually made it to his room. I stood in front of the door before gathering the courage to open it.

I looked inside and there he was....... he was asleep.....

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