Chapter 13 (Levi's POV)

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The next day when I walked into school I opened my shoe locker and absentmindedly reached in for my gym shoes thinking nothing of it. Until I winced at a small sharp pain and pulled my hand back immediately. I looked at my shoes and noticed they had blades in them and they were all ripped apart. My eyes widened, what the fuck happened to them? who did this? I just sighed and closed my locker  and went to my first class. I always passed by Erwin on the way there but today he looked to be in a rush as he slammed his locker shut and walked off. I wonder whats got him in such a hurry.

During class I felt as if I had eyes glued to my back, I never usually felt so nervous about that feeling til now. I looked behind me and saw the three assholes glaring at me. They hadn't bothered me ever since Erwin yelled at them so why are they back to torment me again. Were they the ones who ripped up my shoes? I'll fucking kill them. I just sighed and went back to my lesson as per usual.

Gym class today was obviously different, since I didn't have my shoes I had to sit out and watch everyone participate. I got a detention for not having my shoes on me but thank god it was a lunch detention and not an after school detention. Guess I gotta leave Erwin hanging then, what am I saying he has other friends besides me. It's weird I went from hating everyone to hating everyone except Erwin. I wonder why I ever accepted his offer that day, Oh yeah, he wouldn't leave me alone til I accepted. I don't think it's even a coincidence he ended up being assigned a seat next to me from the teacher in science. I think he asked her to be sat next to me. I blushed a bit at the thought of somebody actually wanting to be right next to me. I still wonder why he'd ever want to be friends with someone like me though.

As the day went on lunch came around eventually. I went to my locker to put some stuff away and Erwin came up to me smiling as he usually did "Hey Levi, you ready to go? I found a new place to go and I wanted to check it out with you" he said. I wanted to say yes but obviously I was going to be held back " Sorry eyebrows, I can't today. Wait for me on Monday then?" I asked 

He cocked a brow "why not?" He asked. I just sighed and opened my shoe locker as he looked inside and his eyes widened "what happened?" he asked frowning a bit. "three assholes decided it'd be funny to ruin my shoes. I couldn't participate in gym today because of the shoes and now I have a detention for not bringing our normal attire to gym." He looked at me with a bit of concern " do you at least have something to eat while your in detention?" he asked.

I was a bit shocked he'd ask that, I shook my head "I'm not hungry so I only have water with me" I said. He frowned and pulled out a blueberry muffin from his bag " I didn't bring lunch  today because I thought we were going to go out like usual. I'm sorry it isn't much but it's what I had for breakfast. There was two so you can have the other one" He smiled. I looked at the muffin taking it gently "thanks eyebrows" I smiled softly. He smiled gently as well and chuckled a bit "No problem, your still free after school right?" he asked as I nodded "yeah I am, you don't have to ask me that everyday Erwin" I chuckled but barely.

He stayed silent and he looked at me wide eyed,  I cocked a brow and looked at myself "what? Is there something on me?" I asked. He shook his head "no but you called me by my first name, Not eyebrows "  he smiled. I blushed softly and turned around "fuck off, Eyebrows. I'll see you after school " I said and walked off to hear him chuckle "see ya, Levi" then I heard foot steps fade  away. 

I entered detention and looked around to see a bunch of losers in there. Some glanced over at me and rolled their eyes, others glanced at me before looking down right away as if I was their biggest fear. I sighed and signed in my name and sat down in my seat. I took out a book and was reading through it. There was no chatting, just silence through out the whole period. Half way I looked at the muffin Erwin gave me. It looked homemade, Why not give it a try? I took a small bite of it and it was surprisingly really good. 

I finished the muffin by the end of detention and I through away the wrapper. I went to science class pretty early and sat in my seat. I wasn't the only one there, the three assholes were there as well. One stood up and walked up to me and slammed his hand against the table "how's detention Ackerman?" He snickered. I just rolled my eyes and took out my book and continued reading it so I didn't have to answer the bitch. He growled and knocked my stuff off the desk. "answer me when I'm talking to you jack ass!" He yelled and pushed me off my seat and onto the ground. 

The chair fell on top of me and on the way down I bumped my head against the tables behind me. I groaned and held the back of my head as he put his foot on my face and pushed my head hard into the back wall as he snickered. I was about to get up and beat the shit out of him until he knelt down and put his hand around my neck. He stood on one of my hands and applied pressure to my throat "how does it feel to be the loser Ackerman?" He said smugly. I looked behind him and saw the other two video taping. I was about to say something until I was punched across the jaw. My eyes widened in shock. I lunged my other hand towards the jack ass to push him off but he grabbed a pencil and it went through my hand. 

His reflex was fast and I put a lot of pressure into that push. I winced and pulled my hand back fast starring at the blood. I quickly kicked him off me as he fell back, I coughed a bit as he stopped choking me and I stood up and walked to the first aid kit. One of them quickly ran towards me and tackled me hard to the ground. I could barely focus from my head being hit, Now I had a head ache and it increasingly got worse as I was on the ground. We all looked towards the door seeing it open. It was way to early for anyone to come at the time.

Then I saw, It was Erwin who entered through the doors...........

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