Chapter 3 ( Levi's POV)

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The next day I had only been able to get 2 hours of sleep, if I keep this up I'm sure I'll probably pass out during my classes. I sighed starring at my ceiling, the blinds were closed so the room was much more dim. I can hear the cars honking outside and the neighbors fighting next door. Life sucks, why was I chosen to live like this. Everyone has it so fucking easy. Whatever, I probably did something to deserve this perhaps, it's alright though I can be on top one day. I'll be relevant one day, everyone will know who I am for something good and not just me pushing Isabel to her suicide....... I bit my lip at that sentence, I turned to my side taking my pillow and covering my ears with it to block out the sounds of the yelling and cars. I whimpered thinking of Farlan and Isabel. You guys made a promise to me.... how dare you break it and leave me in this mess.......

After 20 minutes of just laying in bed thinking of the two I sat up groaning and decided to get dressed. What's the point, if I keep this up I'll end up dying as well. My stomach roared in hunger, fuck I hadn't ate all day yesterday, shit I can't keep this up. The government hadn't sent in money yet this week. What's taking them so long? If I don't get the money I'll either be evicted or dead. One of those two is surely to happen. Whatever, I can't be moping around right now I have to get to school. I stood up getting ready as quickly as possible and walking to school, on the way there I grabbed a breakfast bagel at a fast food place. It's disgusting of course but I'm fucking starving so I'm not one to be picky currently.

Once I arrived to school I went up to my locker and opened it putting my belongings away. I felt a very odd aura behind me so I looked back. Turns out the three bastards were standing right behind me and one kept a eye on me, I assume he saw me notice him because after we made eye contact practically a split second late he turned his vision to his other bitch boy friend. I don't understand why they were starring, whatever it doesn't fucking matter in my opinion. I went to my first period class which was boring as hell but that was because it was math class. I had a test in that class today and I could feel the same vibes as early. I turned around to see another one of those three bastards glare at me. Shit, since when was he in this class? I didn't  exactly pay attention to my surroundings much or the people around me so I assume I kinda just glanced over him and didn't think much about it. 

After a few boring ass classes it was finally lunch time, of course with no lunch yet again I just planned to walk outside for a bit. While I was about to walk out I saw eyebrows in the corner of my eye, He smiled and waved jogging up to me. I was about to run away since I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but he stopped me "excuse me, Levi was it?" he asked. I sighed and looked back at him "what do you want eyebrows?" I said in my usual tone. He smiled for some dumb reason. " I wanted to apologize for yesterday... I know it was a bit rude and I wanted to see if there was anything I can do to make it up to you" He asked. 

I was a bit shocked at his question, why the fuck would anyone do that shit? "Excuse me? what was that?" I asked for him to repeat himself to see if I might've heard that wrong. "I wanted to know if there was anything I can do to make it up to you for yesterdays rude run in. I seemed to anger you but I understand why you would've been angered so I wanted to know what I can do for you to forgive me" he smiled. I paused for a moment, what the fuck? is he serious?! "I-it's fine I don't really care" I responded a bit confused, I've never been approached by something like this. I've never had someone treat me so kindly especially after Isabel's death.

" I figured you might've said that but still, I'd like to ask of you if we can be in good terms?" He asked with a smile. I took a step back hesitating to respond " I'm not mad at you eyebrows, I told you it's fine, that shit's normal" I said. He didn't seem to like that response since I saw him frown a bit. His eyes softened "I'm sorry you think that's normal. It must hurt every time someone brings up the subject. But still this isn't a me just asking for forgiveness, I'd like to get to know you better, Maybe invite you to sit next to me with my friends during lunch?" He said smiling warmly. That smile reminded me of Farlan and Isabel a bit, they had the same warm and comforting smile as eyebrows here. I shook out of my ruse and my mouth opened to respond but I was interrupted by an annoying ass voice "HEY ACKERMAN! HOW WAS YESTERDAY CLEANING UP THE SHIT IN THE BATHROOM?!" I quickly turned my head to see the three pieces of shit. I groaned rolling my eyes turning to face them but shockingly eyebrows stood in front of me spreading his right arm to block me from those other shit heads. 

They stopped for  a moment and looked at eyebrows "move it Smith! we gotta deal with Ackerman bitch and show him his place!" the main bitch spat towards eyebrows. Surprisingly eyebrows defended ones done that before for me.... " I suggest you leave me and my friend alone. The only ones he needed to be shown their place is you three. Now I believe it's lunch time, go back and head to the cafeteria, it isn't good to continue your day on an empty stomach." He said

My eyes widened as well as the other shitheads did, 'friend?' I thought to myself. "This Ackerman kid is your fucking friend?" the bitch in the middle said, Eyebrows nodded with confidence in his answer "yes, he is now leave us be" He said in a stern voice. The bitch clicked his tongue rolling his eyes "watch yourself Ackerman" he said and spit on my shoe. I grew sick of the disgusting saliva on my boot. Erwin was about to yell at him before I spun kicked his jaw. The other were about to punch me but I quickly dodged and kicked one of them into the other making them fall on top of each other. I wiped the saliva on the bitch who spat on my shoe "disgusting" I said. They stood up about to yell back "ENOUGH! GET GOING!" Erwin yelled at the three.

Our eyes widened again as they ran of like cowards, I honestly expected eyebrows to yell at me as well or regret his decision on asking me to be his friend but instead he turned and his eyes practically had sparks in them "that was amazing! you were so fast! do you take martial arts classes or something?!" he asked as I back up a bit. I was surprised at his reaction "I- uhm, n-no?" I respond very confused now. "So your self taught?" He cocked a brow "well, my uncle taught me when we used to live with each other." I responded, he nodded in response "maybe you could teach me sometime" He chuckled jokingly. I rolled my eyes "I'm not a good teacher eyebrows " I smiled but barely. I hadn't done that in a while actually.... I hadn't smiled in forever. It felt good to actually talk with someone of my age. He chuckled a bit "well at least let me establish one thing" He said as I cocked a brow this time.

He held out his hand "I'm Erwin, Erwin Smith and I'm not gonna leave you alone until you agree to be my friend or at the least shake my hand" He smiled sweetly. Again with that same charismatic  smile.......

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