Chapter 25 (Erwin's POV)

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That wave was absolutely incredible, Levi seemed to have so much fun with riding it as well. I smiled as I accidentally fell in the water. I swam up and sat on the surf board laughing a bit. I brushed my hair off my face and turned to Levi to see how he was doing "Hey, you okay Levi?"  I asked turning to see a empty surf board. "Levi?" I questioned looking around. I grew a bit worried and dived back in the water after putting on the goggles that I had around my neck. I looked around to not see him anywhere. I grew panicked and swam out a bit leaving the surfing board's behind. My eyes widened as I saw red. Red? in water? I swam over to the source and knew that the red was blood. There was so much. I kept swimming til I saw Levi, Levi looked passed out as blood seeped out of him and into the water.

I quickly swam towards him and grabbed him before pulling him up to the surface, I gasped for air coughing before swimming over and placing his body on the surf board. I pushed him to shore which was a bit away from the others but didn't matter. I checked for a pulse which was growing weak. I could see he was barely breathing but barely, I grew scared and started doing the basic procedure. I placed my hands on  his chest and pressing down to his rib cage. I didn't get any positive feedback. I grew more scared and continued the steps over and over again but received nothing. I held his nose and jaw tilting his head back a bit before I pressed my lips against his and blew oxygen into his mouth. I let go and continued to press against his rib cage.

Nothing was working! Shit! No No No No! I can't ! I can't lose him! I already lost dad I can't lose him next! I felt tears in my eyes, I can't lose him! I-....I love him. I had no time to waste, I did the mouth to mouth procedure one more time before going back to the regular movements. He eventually woke up throwing up a ton of water. I looked over to see tears in his eyes as he coughed up the water. That was a normal reaction seeing as how painful it could be. I sighed in relief before grabbing him and hugging him tightly. He coughed again before stuttering "eyebrows?" he asked as my grip tightened a bit around one arm as my other hand held the back of his head  "I was so scared Levi! " I said shaking a bit. I felt him wrap his arms around me slowly "thank you Erw-...Eyebrows.. "He stuttered at my name. I chuckled softly letting go to look at him while cupping his cheek "No problem Levi, I'm always here" I said looking at him.

He had such sharp charismatic features but they could turn soft at some moments like right now. His face tinted into a light shade of pink as he hesitated, I knew what he was thinking since I was thinking the same thing. I kept one hand on his cheek and placed my other hand on the top of his that was holding him to sit up.  I leaned in close as he did the same, we both started to close our eyes before we heard a gasp. I jerked my head back and looked over to see Hange and Mike, we both blushed furiously before Mike and Hange groaned loudly. Levi sighed as he stood up lending a hand to me. I looked at his hand taking it and standing up as well. " I'm sorry" he said rubbing the back of his neck "oh, um, no no don't apologize it was my fault as well" I said embarrassed.

 "YOU GUYS ARE SO ANNOYING!" Hange yelled as Levi grabbed a ball of sand and threw it at Hange. "SHUT UP GLASSES!" he yelled as she fell back laughing. Mike ran up to Levi picking him up in the air "WHAT ARE YO-" Levi stopped when Mike threw him towards me making me scared and catching Levi but also falling back on the sand. He was on my lap as I caught him bridal style. Mike snickered before Levi stood up fast, Mike ran away dragging Hange as well. Levi sighed helping me up once more. I sighed as well "they're so embarrassing" I said as Levi nodded. 

It was getting dark now " We should go back, they're about to start the bomb fire soon." I said with a smile. He nodded "yeah your probably right" he said as we started to walk back. When we got back I looked over to see Nanaba wiggling her eyebrows as I blushed hard. Mike already started up the bomb fire as Hange stood up "alright guys! sand building competition! teams are Mike and Nanaba! Me and Moblit! and the boyfriends!" She said as me and Levi spat out "it isn't like that Glasses face!" he said as everyone laughed except us two who blushed like crazy.

Once we got to building I thought of how we were going to do this "May I?" he asked me. I was a bit confused, I looked at Hange and Moblit's team and they were almost done, They were doing a smaller but detailed castle, I looked at Nanaba's and Mike's and they were going big but not as fancy and ours... we haven't even done anything yet. I only dug up a pile of sand and got buckets of water. So Levi didn't really do anything til now, but I was a hesitant. We had five minutes left before we had to stop. I sighed as nodded, we have no other choice "sure go ahead" 

He stood up and walked over to the pile of sand and buckets. He cracked his knuckles before he started to build, my eyes widened seeing how fast his hands were moving and his building was amazing, was he used to this? the alarm went off and everyone stopped building. Levi's sand castle was bigger than a normal sandcastle but it was very detailed. Everyone backed up in a line and looked at the castle "fuck... Erwin and Levi win  this year." Mike said "how did they win? didn't they have nothing five minutes ago?" Nanaba said. Moblit chuckled "that's because Erwin's working with Levi and not Nile this year" Everyone else laughed including me "guess Levi's just better than Nile" I said shrugging as Levi blushed softly before rubbing the back of his neck and smiling a bit. 

For the rest of the day we had fun eating Kabobs and talking about school. I was happy whenever Levi joined in conversation, turns out everyone enjoyed Levi around. They enjoyed him better than Nile, it made me happy. It made me happy to see Levi so happy. But all good things have to come to an end as it got late and we had to go. We all split ways as me and Levi went in the same car to drive home.

While driving I looked at him "you had fun?" I asked as he nodded. He had his knees to his chest as he leaned against the window. He looked tired, it was honestly adorable.  "well yeah it was fun til I almost drowned" He said. I chuckled softly but then he spoke "thank you... for saving me Eyebrows... I owe you" He said looking out the window. "it's no problem" I said getting a little sad at that moment. "you....did CPR on me right? or did you also do...." He hesitated. Before I blushed slightly "um.....y-yeah I did" I stuttered as I glance over to him seeing him blush deep red.

"I'm sor-" I started but then was cut off by Levi "no no it's alright" he said touching his lip slightly. I bit my lip hesitating but I just shook my head. "is there something wrong?" he asked as I shook my head again " No, nothing's wrong " I said as we drove off. 

We stopped by a red light waiting for traffic to go by, I looked at the gas tank as we were about to pass by a gas station "I need to fill up gas real quick, you want slushy's?" I asked Levi as he shrugged but nodded. We both got out the car as I started to fill up the tank. He looked over "blueberry?" he asked as I smiled and nodded "of course"

he walked off and into the store.......I touched my lips softly "his lips were so...soft.." I ached for my lips to press against his again. But I want it to be a real kiss this time. Not just some CPR...

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