Chapter 8 (Erwin's POV)

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It had only been a month or so since Levi and I had started hanging out with each other during lunch hour. We've been to two places to be more specific. A local tea shop and sometimes the same hamburger joint. Each time was actually a very fun experience with Levi. 

Never a dull moment with the other to be honest. Today I waited for the other, he took a little while longer than usual but he then left his classroom. He looked up and walked towards me, It actually made me pretty happy how he'd grown used to me after a while. I think now he considers me a friend even though he wouldn't really admit it. I'm gonna make him admit though! no matter what it takes. 

" Hey eyebrows" He greeted. "Hey Levi, off to the tea shop?" He nodded " yeah I can go for some tea right about now" He responded.  I nodded as we started to walk out "Cherry blossom season is about to start" I smiled saying. It's one of my favorite seasons I think the warm spring like breeze with cherry blossoms falling is one of the most calming experiences. Levi looked around and nodded " I can see a few growing right about now, shows that winter is finally over" he sighed in relief. "Do you not like winter?" I asked as he shook his head " it's to cold, snow isn't my type of thing either. It gets really messy when walking indoors." I nodded " I guess your right, but winter is the perfect time to drink tea and hot cocoa " He didn't reply for a moment  " I guess your right in a way" he said as we walked into the tea shop.

Levi ordered his usual black tea with mint leaves and a croissant. I ordered a ginger tea with a blueberry muffin. We took our seats as the waiter came up and gave us our order. "hey Levi, I got a question" He looked up and took a sip of his tea "yeah?" he asked. " When you grow up, what do you want to be?" I asked. He thought for a moment " to be honest, I don't really know. I sometimes think about running my own tea shop or something like that to be honest" he responded. "really? I wouldn't have expected something like that. I think it suits you well" I smiled. "what did you expect?" he asked cocking a brow. I just shrugged "I don't know, You always seem to surprise me. I don't know anything about you so I wouldn't have expected these answers. It makes me interested to learn more about you" I said  and saw him blush a bit embarrassed "what about you eyebrows? what do you want to be?" I smiled a bit "easy, a teacher just like my father"

"must run in the family then to help others. " he responded. I shrugged a bit taking a bite from the blueberry muffin. " there's a farm on the outskirts of town and they grow these huge sunflowers there. It's my favorite place to go really. Whenever I have a stressful day I drive there. It's a 35 minute drive but the fields are huge and beautiful especially around 5 pm, the sun hits the field perfectly and it looks unreal. If you want I can show you sometime. Honestly, I'd be happy to take you "  I asked. He took a sip of his tea and thought about it "if it's as good as you say it is then sure. I'll come along" he said. I smiled and nodded " great, sounds like a plan, maybe we can go Friday after school?" I asked as he nodded.

After lunch we started walking back to school. "I really don't want to go to science today, science is one of the worst classes to be honest " Levi sighed. "Is it that bad? you get to sit next to me though" I chuckled as he rolled his eyes " don't act so cocky eyebrows" He chuckled a bit " but you laughed, that means you liked my joke " I snickered " whatever eyebrows" he said shaking his head as we entered the school.

We made it  back to science class and the class started to fill up eventually. Once the class got going I got back into focus mode and I started to work on my science notes for studying later on today. Levi looked especially out of it, as if he'd pass out. It got me a bit concerned since he had noticeable eye bags. I wondered if he's been getting a good nights rest, it got me a bit concerned but right now I had to focus in class. I nudged his shoulder " hey stay up, class is still going on" I whispered. He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes " yeah, sorry" he muttered and looked forward again. I frowned a bit, I'll ask him about it later today. 

After class we stood up, I was about to ask him about his sleeping schedule but then I was interrupted by Hange coming up to me " hey Erwin! why don't you sit next to us during lunch anymore! we miss you!" she said. I looked back at Levi " actually I've been hanging out with Levi now lately during lunch "  Hange looked behind me and saw him. "Hey Levi! I'm Hange! nice to meet yah" She smiled lending him a hand to shake "nice to meet you to" He said shaking her hand. I smiled at the interaction even though it was unfair how he greeted her handshake so easily and not mine. It doesn't matter, at least hes interacting with others aside from me.

"I would've never expected you to hang out with Levi, Erwin, is he nice to you?" Hange asked me once we left class and were on our was to social studies. I nodded "yes, he isn't like anything anyone says about him. He's actually pretty sweet" I smiled. Hange nodded " you think the gang would like him?" she asked. I thought for a moment " if they got to know him better then yeah maybe they would " she smiled " yeaahhhh! new member of the band!"  she laughed. I chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm "I don't know if Levi would be willing to meet the rest of the gang really. It might be a little off at first but maybe he'd fit right in"  She nodded.

I think Levi would fit in perfectly, I don't exactly see a problem with why he wouldn't fit in really.......

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