Chapter 22 (Mixed POV)

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Erwin's POV

Holy shit... Holy shit he's awake! "L-Levi? Oh my god your awake!" I smiled brightly as I ran over hugging him tightly. "Hey Eyebrows! calm down on the hugging I'm in pain still!" he said. I loosened the gripping but I didn't let go of him " I'm sorry... I was so worried about you..." I said biting my lip holding back tears. I felt Levi's arms wrap around me as well. His body was very small so he fit perfectly in my arms. "Are you okay Levi?" I asked letting go and looking at him. He looked healthy aside from the bandages and blood tube. He nodded "I'm alright Eyebrows, calm down" he said with his usual snarky attitude.

Levi's POV

I looked up at eyebrows and grew a bit concerned which wasn't usual for me to do but Eyebrows looked like he hadn't slept in days. "hey eyebrows, you okay?" I asked brushing his messy hair to the side. "yes, why do you ask?" He said tilting his head a bit to the side. "You seem very exhausted" I frowned. He chuckled softly rubbing the back of his neck " yeah, I couldn't really sleep knowing you were in the hospital, I was really worried I was going to lose you..." He said looking down with solemn eyes, they were in pain...was it because of me? did I do this to Erwin? that's never happened before. 

I blushed a bit looking to the side before looking back at him " hey, it's alright. See I'm fine" I said attempting to pull a fake smile of reassurance. Erwin looked at me before smiling a kind smile. "Good, I'm glad your alright." He said. I scooted over to make room for him to lay down. There was enough room on this big ass bed so it fit the both of us perfectly. He smiled laying down next to me as I laid down as well. "it's different than laying down on the field and star gazing but it's alright" Erwin chuckled. I smiled softly looking at the ceiling "hey Eyebrows, if your really that tired you know you can rest for a while here. " I suggested to him, wanting him to get some needed rest.  

He chuckled a bit calming down and closing his eyes "yeah maybe your right" he said. I can see him drifting off into sleep. I smiled softly seeing him sleeping peacefully, with his hands on his stomach. I stared at the ceiling thinking to myself about what had happened. I kept thinking back to how Kenny was chasing me around with the fucking gun and shooting me. I held my arm where I had gotten shot. But I remember, a part of me when I was laying on the floor kind of did want to die.....more than anything really...

To be honest if it wasn't for Erwin I would've considered suicide a long time ago.... but it isn't like heaven would allow me up there. I probably have a special spot waiting for me down there in hell.... I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize Eyebrows was right beside me sleeping and that two full hours had already passed by. I noticed him turning over and wrapping an arm around me as if I was a stuffed animal. I blushed at this sudden contact and I looked up noticing he was unconscious. He pulled me closer to him which made me blush harder. I had to admit I did feel a bit tired as well even though I did sleep for a whole week but I was just so drained of energy.

I nuzzled into his chest and tucked my head under his chin closing my eyes. He was really felt nice. I soon fell asleep quickly in his arms. 

Erwin's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock noticing five whole hours have passed since I've been hear, I move a bit and looked down. I blushed softly seeing Levi sleeping in my arms nuzzled against me. I didn't want to move since if I did I'd probably wake him up. I stayed like that for another hour or so just holding Levi in my arms. 

He woke up an hour later squirming around bit. I thought he was trying to make me let go of him so I lifted my arm only to have him pull my arm back down quickly. I was a bit shocked at first but then I blushed softly when he said "No, it's cold". I blinked for a moment before hesitating and smiling softly nodding "alright" I said.

 We stayed silent for a minute before I broke the silence " you doing okay?" I asked as he nodded softly. "Does anything hurt?" I asked as he shook his head. I hesitated to ask for a moment "What... what happened? how did you get shot like that?" I asked as he stayed quiet. I felt like I screwed up "hey, it's alright you don't have tell me what happened-" He cut me off "No, it's alright.....Um.... my uncle.... he's Kenny Ackerman. You know the fugitive..." he started...

"You remember when I told you about how me and Farlan and Isabel would steal from others to start off somewhere... Well by that I got caught once and was forced to get out my name or else Farlan or Isabel would've gotten shot....Once they found out I was Kenny's Nephew they had a whole fight with him in a underground gang he was a part of. They tried to kill him off but he ran away because of me and ever since then he's been trying to make my life worse... He hasn't done anything til now but he changed ever since he joined the gang. He wasn't the best when it came to raising me as a kid but he wasn't the worst. Instead of enrolling me in stupid classes or sports he taught me himself how to fight off people and defend myself. He even taught me how to pick pocket so it was kind of his fault for starting my stealing habits." He told me. I nodded listening to him.

"But isn't hunting you down kind of over dramatic?" I asked as he shrugged. "I guess but it doesn't really matter now.." He said "Levi" I said frowning and attempting to sit up before he pulled me back down and nuzzled more into me "I know, I know I get eyebrows, But I'm fine he thinks I'm dead so he'll leave me alone. Can we just not talk about this?" he asked. I wanted to tell him that it did matter. That this wasn't normal, nobody should live like this. I knew that I knew almost nothing about Levi but now that I know more I feel bad for him. He has to hide all of these secrets to himself while carrying the burden of his only loved ones dying. I pulled him into a closer hug "Alright... I just.....It hurt me seeing the blood stains on the side walk in Trost park and realizing that they belonged to made me feel sick... " I admitted thinking back on the blood puddle "don't leave me like that ever again alright?" I asked him

He paused for a moment before chuckling softly and hugging me back "alright Eyebrows.... I promise I won't ever leave you like that ever again" I smiled... A promise is a promise......

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