Chapter 5 ( Levi's POV)

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Fuck! all day Eyebrows has been annoying me! what part in 'leave me alone' do you not understand?! It isn't some sort of riddle! now he has to sit next to me in literature. Fucking great, as if the day couldn't have gotten any worse. 

By the end of the day I was ecstatic to actually leave school and get away from eyebrows and the stress. I was walking home as I pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. I lit the smoke and took a few puffs as I starred at the sky "It's beginning to grow darker... the clouds are bunching up. That means it's about to rain" I sighed to myself. Of course it's about to ran while I'm still 25 minutes away from my apartment. I started to jog a bit home as it begun to drizzle. At this point I'll be  home soaking wet.              

The rain started to get worse and wind started to blow roughly. Shit, it's freezing cold out here. The water soaked my Jacket, T-shirt, jeans, boxers, shoes, hair, EVERYTHING! I'm practically shivering right now.

I eventually made it to my apartment and placed my bag down. I groaned and walked to my room to strip down and take a warm shower. I did so and grabbed a towel heading over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower as it started to heat up. I stepped in as a closed my eyes feeling the water run through my hair and down my skin. I embraced the warmth of the water as it started to calm me down. 

My mind started to drift away from stress as I begun to drift into wonderland. I thought of Isabel and Farlan, I thought of what life would be like if we moved far away from society to a quiet place. Living in a valley where there's grass everywhere. Where I could lay on the grass all day and be warmed by the suns rays. Where there's no high, middle or low class. Where status doesn't matter because no one is there is us. That sounds like a paradise in my opinion. If I could go there I would, if I could bring back Isabel and Farlan back with me I'd do it in a heart beat..... Why does everyone think I pushed her to her suicide?! if that would've been the case I wouldn't have been morning  her death like this! 

After the shower I dried myself off with a towel, I got dressed and sat on the couch laying down on it as I took out my homework and started to work on it. After a couple hours of working on this dumb ass homework my stomach rumbled. Shit I only ate a bagel these past two days! this isn't going well. I stood up and put on my shoes and grabbed a jacket. I had black sweatpants and a grey sweat shirt on. I'll be fine, I walked out and walked to a fast food joint, I honestly don't care where I eat as long as I get something to eat. I walked into a hamburger joint and entered the building. I walked up to the cashier as the woman greeted me with a lazy ass tired tone "hello, what do you want?" She said in a tone that was really rude and it just seemed to get on my nerves. I just brushed it off and order "a chicken sand which with medium fry and a black coffee " she sighed taking a breathe in and out and pressed the options. "alright, that'll be  $6.59" I nodded lending her a ten dollar bill. She took it and placed it into the cash register and gave me my change back. I starred at my receipt which had the number '236'. Guess I gotta wait for my number to be called up so I can get my food.

It didn't take to long for my number to be called as I  went up to grab the bag and my coffee. I took a sip of the coffee and was about to leave til I heard a familiar voice "Hey Ackerman, didn't expect to bump into you here" Shit....... It's those jack asses. Why do I always run into them?! didn't I kick their asses twice already? I sighed and looked over at them to insult them til my eyes widened. There wasn't just three of them but instead seven now. "Fuck off leave me alone" I retorted walking away until one grabbed the back of my shirt pulling me outside. He slammed me into a wall which made me spill a bit of my coffee on me. Shit it burns! fuck! the jack ass was about to punch me til I threw the coffee in his face. He screamed holding his face as he fell to the floor on his knees as I kicked his face. The others yelled at me and tried running after me but I ran away quickly. I could hear them yell "MURDERER!" "JACK ASS!" "SHORT ASS MIDGET" etc. I think was hurt the most was "That girl probably deserved to die" I bit my lip as I ran away faster.

I felt my tears prick out as I made it to a park. I walked around as the park was empty. I walked on the trail and stopped to sit on a bench. I sighed as I thought about what that bitch had said as it made tears fall. It made me think for a moment, never had a died due to illness....My uncle left me to live for myself, I have no idea where he went, Farlan died in a car crash and Isabel to suicide....... I'm gonna be alone forever....But I'm getting used to the thought..... I always knew I wasn't worthy of love any form of it by that matter.........

I stayed there for a while as I ate the sand which and now cold fries. Life is shit........ everything is so unfair. No one will give me the time of day except one person. But eyebrows is so fucking annoying. The rain started to pour again, I sighed "again? for real? " I said to myself as I stood and threw away the bag in the garbage as I begun walking home, There was a loud boom of thunder as I flinched "fuck I gotta get going fast" I said as the wind blew harder than before. I hugged myself as I shivered. I was getting really tired, really quickly, I sighed and continued walking. I waited at a stop light as cars drove by, It wouldn't let me cross the cross walk for 3 minutes now as I was shivering, The cars just kept coming. Traffics a bitch.

3 more minutes later it still wouldn't let me cross and now I was soaking wet. Until I couldn't feel the rain anymore. The rain didn't stop so why can't I feel it? I looked up to see eyebrows holding a umbrella over my head "your soaking wet, you must be freezing" I clicked my tongue "I'm fine eyebrows" I retorted. I gave him a side glance and saw the same warm smile "here take my umbrella " He said and gave it to me. I hesitantly took it as I saw him walk off in a different direction " See you tomorrow at school Levi" He called out waving to me  "right... see you eyebrows" I said raising a hand to wave back. I saw him smile so widely before he turned the other direction to walk away.

...........Why is he being so kind to me? why out of all people is he giving me the time of day?

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