Chapter 26 (Mixed POV's)

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Levi's POV

Once I came back with the slushy's, Eyebrows was already in the car. I opened the door and entered the car as well passing him his blueberry slushy while I had raspberry. "thanks Levi" he thanked me as he drove off. The ride home was quiet, It was so dark outside. Practically pitch black since there were no street lights where we were. Only Erwin's car light. "it's so dark out here" I mentioned  as he hummed " I know, there's like no other cars" he replied. There was trees surrounding our path. I took a sip of my slushy and looked over at Erwin. My eyes glanced at his lips. I wanted to know how it felt when he did CPR.  I couldn't feel anything since I was passed out.

He glance over at me "You okay?" he asked as I shook out of my ruse. I nodded "mhm" I simply hummed out the window.  "we're going to see each other during summer break right?" I asked looking at him. He frowned a bit tapping the wheel "eyebrows? whats wrong?" I asked. He sighed " mom and me are going on a trip to Italy during summer...I won't be able to hang out like I promised... she told me this last night" He said. I nodded understanding completely even though it was a bit disappointing "it's alright Eyebrows. I understand, at least face time right?" I asked as he nodded "of course" He smiled softly.

I nodded as I smiled softly  "don't break your promise alright?" I asked him as he nodded "I know, I wouldn't dare" He said. "When are you leaving though?" I asked. He paused "after tomorrow " He said as I frowned. "and I can't hang out with you tomorrow because I have to pack" He added on. I nodded frowning "I was really looking forward to hanging out with you though..." I admitted as he sighed "I know, I was too" he said. "are you at least excited?" I asked as he shook his head "I'm going to see family members I see every two years, I'm not that excited" He responded "at least you get to go on trips, I never left the county " I admitted as we both chuckled.

"who knows, maybe one day we'll get to go somewhere cool, any places in mind?" he asked as I thought " I always wanted to go to Brazil, I've seen photo's and it looks beautiful over there" I said as he smiled and nodded "it really is beautiful, I've always wanted to go as well, it sounds amazing" Erwin replied. We kept continuing on talking about the trip to Brazil and how amazing it'd be if it were just the two of us going. we got so deep into detail it felt like I was already there. 

I smiled at the thought of me and Erwin on a trip together. I'll work extra hard in my current job and save up for that trip one day. It sounds like a dream come true. I could just imagine the warm sunny rays against our bodies as we lay there smiling and laughing while we swim or play volleyball or just lay down talking. It wouldn't matter just being by each others side sounds like a dream in at itself. 

We soon eventually arrived back outside my apartment. I gathered my bags and other belongings as Erwin smiled softly "goodbye Levi, I'll see in two months then?" he asked. As I nodded, I held the door open not wanting him to leave. "Levi? Is something the matter?" he asked as I nodded "what is it?" He asked me. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again as I bit my lip shaking my head. This made his concern grow a bit making me feel a bit bad as well but still. I just didn't want him to leave.

Erwin's POV

I frowned looking at Levi a bit concerned "are you sure your okay ?" I asked him as he shook his head looking down. My eyes softened as I felt bad, is he sad that I made a broken promise to him about staying here for the summer? " what's the matte-" I started but was cut off.

Levi dropped his bag to the ground before lunging toward me, he placed his hands on both of my cheeks as he placed his lips onto mine. He closed his eyes leaning into the kiss as my eyes widened for a moment. What? was he really- Oh my god he is! I've been waiting for this moment since forever. I placed my hands on top of his own closing my eyes as well and tilting my head a bit leaning into the kiss also. After a good five seconds we eventually let go. He looked down as my cheeks were flushed red. I blinked for a moment before Levi took his hands of my cheeks and wrapped his arms around my neck as he dug his head into my shoulder. I frowned softly as I hugged him back "I'm not okay..... I don't want you to leave me Erwin..." He said. He's only ever said my name once before. I smiled softly and begun stroking his hair.  " I won't leave you alone...I promise I'm here to til forever..."  I said in reassurance as his hug grew a bit tighter.

I felt bad but I hugged him back as well for as long as he needed too. To be quite honest, I didn't want to let go of him either but all things had to come to an end and he eventually let go and exited the car "make sure you face time me  alright?" he asked me as I smiled and nodded "alright, I promise " I said back to him. I grabbed his hand and brought it towards my lips kissing the top of it gently. I looked up at him to see him blushing madly as I smiled softly "I'll miss you" I admitted as he looked to the side before looking back at me. 

"hey Erwin......before you leave I'd just like to say thank you one last time.... you were always there from me no matter what, Even if I was a moody bitch one day you stuck by with me... nobody  has ever done that for me " He placed a hand over his heart and clutched the cloth surrounding it. "I have these feelings I've never felt towards anyone else except you...Your special to me Erwin and more than one friend to another. I don't think I can bare to call you a friend at this point. Friends don't give each other everything they need. Friends don't hug and kiss each other just like how we do.... Friends don't feel sad or lonely when they aren't right by each others side 24/7. Erwin....what I'm trying to say is I don't see you as a friend mean so much more to me than being just a simple friend... I'm trying to say that.....I-.... I think I've fallen in love with you...." He said looking up at me with confidence in his eyes though I could tell behind that confidence was fear.........fear of rejection.

I smiled as I unbuckled my seat belt and exited the car "Erwin?" He questioned as I walked over placing a hand on his cheek caressing his cheek with my thumb. He gently place his hand over mine before I leaned down and placed my lips onto his giving him a kiss once more.I closed my eyes as he did as well and kissed me back. Once I let go and opened my eyes I looked into his eyes.

"Levi,..... There isn't a need to worry....Because to be quite honest I think I've fallen in love with you as well. Just like you said... I've never had these feelings towards anyone else besides you......"

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