Chapter 24 ( Levi's POV)

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As days turned into the last weeks of junior year, summer eventually arrived. Today was the day we all went to the beach. I was actually really excited which was new. I got my swim suit and all my other belongings as I heard honking outside my apartment. I smiled softly as I walked down the stairs. I walked up to the car and opened the door to see Erwin in a surfing outfit.  I blushed, why was he so hot? I thought to myself as I sat at the passenger side. He looked at me for a good minute before I looked at him cocking a brow "what?" I asked. "Nothing, it's just you usually wear such baggy clothes I thought you were really skinny. You should wear short sleeves more often you look great" He said making me blush even more.

I guess he realized what he said because he rubbed the back of his neck "sorry, that was a bit embarrassing. Let's get going" He said turning on the radio which played summertime songs. You know, those nostalgic songs that played in every corner of every street that gave people serotonin. He started driving to the beach, On our way there we laughed and smiled the whole way. I have never experienced this kind of fun with anyone else except Erwin. Farlan and Isabel were amazing friends but the situation we were in we couldn't have fun like this. But oh dear god do I miss them. Sometimes I feel bad having this much fun without them but I guess Erwin pulls me out of those dark thoughts almost every, single, god, damn, time. 

About 40 minutes later we eventually made it to the beach and there we met up with the rest of Erwin's friend group. Everyone was nice but that Glasses bitch was loud and annoying. But she was also nice a lot of the times she would swim way to far out to go diving and looking for "buried treasure" But every time either me or that big ass tree Mike had to dive in and fish her out. I fished her out once and this bitch almost drowned me even though she wouldn't come back to the surface for 5 minutes. This bitch was insane I swear next  time shes out there I'm not fucking saving her ass. 

I was on the shore relaxing a bit as someone in the group came up to me. That big ass tree, Mike, he sat down as I looked to my side "Hey" he greeted. "what's do you want?" I asked. He chuckled "wow your harsh, I just wanted to know if you and your boyfriend are gonna actually kiss today" He asked me. I blushed hard  "huh?! What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked. "You know~" he teased. "Me and Eyebrows are not doing that shit!" I said. "so you and Erwin are dating! I fucking knew it!" he chuckled as I punched his arm "Ow!" he said rubbing his arm "for a small guy you sure hit pretty hard " I was getting annoyed of his teasing as I sighed "shut up you big ass tree " I retorted as he burst into laughter. 

Erwin walked behind up behind us and pinched Mike's ear "stop bothering Levi! go away " He said to Mike " ohhhhhh~ prince charming came to rescue his true love" Mike said as me and Erwin blushed. I stood up and looked at Erwin as we both nodded. We tackled him to the ground and dragged him to the ocean. I held his arms and Erwin held his legs as we carried him and through him in the water. He screamed and tried to squirm away but we held him as Nanaba took a video. 

I chuckled a bit but stopped when Erwin placed a hand on my shoulder. " Hey, you wanna try surfing?" He asked me as I thought for a moment before shrugging "sure,why not " I said. He nodded and grabbed the two surf boards as I hesitantly grabbed one. We swam out as he taught me the basics of surfing. 

My first try I immediately fell off the surf board but in my second attempt I got it pretty well. I wasn't really ready for those big waved though but Erwin stared and smiled "your really good for for second try. It took me ages to learn how to surf" He chuckled. "you ready for the big waves?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer this since I was kind of afraid of drowning but my body just worked on its on as I nodded. He smiled "awesome!" he said as he swam out. I sighed how bad could it be? I thought to myself knowing the answer already but trying to look for a different outcome. 

Once we swam out my anxiety piled up a bit seeing a huge wave, Erwin stood up as I held onto the surf board. I hesitantly stood up as I road the waves It was really.......calming...I stared at the water curving around us as I smiled enjoying this feeling. But when the wave ended Erwin made it out fine but I made out a bit to late. I didn't think the pressure would be that bad but it was obvious I would be knocked off the board but the pressure of the wave kept me under the water. I didn't hold my breathe so my lungs were filled with water. I tried to swim up but I grew a bit to weak as I kept on coughing. Every cough would just bring in more water to my lungs. It was so painful, I couldn't breathe as my eyes blurred up. I was sinking I looked up struggling to swim up but the current kept pushing me down.

I gave up and felt myself starting to black out. The pain of the gun shots through my chest and arm increased more and more to point where it was unbearable and I had to stop moving. but of course soon enough my vision faded to black..........

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