Chapter 9 ( Levi's POV)

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After school I went home and right away I passed out on my bed. I  took off my shoes and flopped on my bed being engulfed by the warm blanket. My eyes grew heavy and I passed out. Days of little to no rest was getting to me. Even though I would get around 2-3 hours of sleep each time I was passed out. I hadn't had a full nights rest in years so yeah I suffer from bad insomnia. 

Right after I woke up I groaned a bit rubbing my head. I was still so tired but after I wake up I can't get back to sleep. I checked my cellphone and checked the time. It was around 7:20 p.m, I woke up way to early. I just groaned and turned over to my back and stared at the ceiling. "I should just make some tea and get to finishing my homework " I said to myself sitting up and walking over to the kitchen. I put some water in my pot and placed it on the stove, turning it on to a medium level heat. I placed a few mint leaves in the water as I waited for it to boil, I then put the tea bag in as I waited for it to soak up the water. I heard a notification go off on my phone, I turned to grab the phone on the table as checked it. "what can eyebrows want right now?" I asked myself opening up the message ' hey Levi! I don't mean to intrude you right now but I was wondering if you'd like to hang out maybe? I'm really bored to be quite honest and I already finished all my homework so, you busy?' I just sighed shaking my head. This bastard is really gonna text me while I'm making my tea right now, I chuckled to myself as I smiled at the text.

' well I was making tea right now but I guess I can put it in a portable cup, sure I'll see you in a bit. Maybe like 15 minutes? where do you want to meet?' I replied. In less than a minute I got a reply 'wow, your really obsessed with that stuff! how about we meet at the near the bakery in the corner?' I poured some of the tea in the cup when I read the message 'do you want to meet inside and get something? or do you just want to meet up there?' I replied, 'both I guess, If you want to get anything as well. I'm getting some baked goods' he replied. I nodded 'alright, meet you then'  I sent smiling softly 'alright! see ya!'

While I was walking to the bakery I took a sip of my tea, I wonder why he asked me of all people to hang out? I looked up once I heard Erwin "hey Levi" he said smiling. I walked up to him "hey eyebrows, whats up?" I asked "not much just bored" he said as I saw him frown a bit "what about you? you look exhausted" He told me. " wow, way to boost my confidence" I teased rolling my eyes "no Levi, I'm serious this time. I'm actually concerned that you don't get enough sleep at night" he said to me. His concern made me blush a bit embarrassed "I'm fine, I just took a nap half an hour ago. That's why I seem a bit dazed, you don't have to worry eyebrows" he just sighed "alright but make sure your able to get more sleep later on tonight alright?" he said to me. I looked down a bit "alright" I said before walking into the bakery opening the door " you coming?" I asked. I saw him smile softly as he nodded and entered alongside me. 

He ordered a blueberry shortcake while I ordered a strawberry shortcake. Once we got the cakes I had already finished my tea and threw away the cup. We went out on a walk as we ate the cakes, "I've been craving this all week" he chuckled and happily took a bite. I chuckled a bit "you seem to be really into blueberry flavored everything" I said taking a bite as well. He laughed softly and nodded " yeah, I suppose so. But I'm not as addicted as you are to your black tea" he said glancing at me. I then saw his icy blue eyes. They shined so brightly even though it was so dark out. If I could, I would stare at them all day. I realized I was staring and snapped back into reality "whatever, black tea is really good! you can't blame me" I chuckled. 

He just shrugged "I guess you are right, I just expected you to prefer black coffee to be quite honest" he said smirking and looking down at me "hey! you make me seem so depressed 24/7! stop making me sound so emo!" he ruffled my hair as I slapped his hand away " get your crusty hand off of me!" He started bursting into laughter "for your information I moisturize my hands!" he yelled back at me. "stop yelling at me eyebrows!" 

"well you stop laughing at me! emo boy!" He retorted. I just laughed a bit as he laughed as well, it feels nice to play and joke around with someone again. "your a bitch eyebrows!" I said back "hey, my face is up here not near my chest" I rolled my eyes and kicked his shin "ow!" he said holding his shin as I pulled him down to my level "your a bitch eyebrows" I smirked smugly "god, you are evil. How can someone so short be so cruel " He snickered. His snicker was honestly a bit cute to be quite honest.

"whatever, don't be so over dramatic" I said and let go of him. He stood up straight laughing a bit. We continued hanging for another three hours walking around the city laughing and conversing the whole time.  It was a bit darker now outside and I could tell he was getting a bit tired "tired already? it's only ten eyebrows" I said nudging him. "you shouldn't say anything, you look as if you'd fall over and pass out right here right now" He chuckled.  I rolled my eyes "whatever, I'm just sayin, if you want to go home we can just see each other tomorrow you know" I suggested. He nodded " yeah that'd probably be for the best currently" He agreed. I nodded as we stopped back at the bakery, I waved bye as he gave me a small smile  waving back as we split ways.

His smile........... it's the same smile yet now it feels different. It makes me feel as if I have butterfly's inside of my stomach. It makes me feel a bit heated now..... It makes me feel warm and safe........ oh no 

no no no, it isn't what I think it is! no way in hell it is!.......well maybe...maybe it is.....

that isn't  a bad feeling though.... I kinda like it to be quite honest.......

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